scripts: QtCreator使用的perl以及python等脚本。 share: 源代码中所需要的一些非代码共享文件,例如代码模板等。 src: QtCreator源代码文件。 tests: QtCreator测试代码。 HACKING: QtCreator编码规范。 LICENSE.LGPL: LGPL协议。 qtcreator.pri: QtCreator项目需要使用的通用配置,一般会被include到大部分 pro文件。 q...
// responsible for shutting down the server for this call to ever return. server->Wait(); } intmain(intargc,char*argv[]) { //QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); //return a.exec(); RunServer(); return0; } Ctrl+B构建项目,可能会出现如下警告: C:\msys64\mingw64\share\qt5\mkspecs\commo...
Screenshots. Workaround for making the Portal Screenshots work is adding the stringX-KDE-DBUS-Restricted-Interfaces=org.kde.kwin.Screenshotto the/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.kde.desktopfile and then restarting. Don't forget to enforce Portal screenshots in settings. ...
if(QString::fromStdWString(x).trimmed().isEmpty()|| QString::fromStdWString(y).trimmed().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(this,QString("NOTICE"), #ifdefENGLISH_ QString("Targetaddressisempty!")); #else QString("目标地址为空!")); #endif//ENGLISH_ return; } QAxObject*document...
What would be the easiest (and/or best) way to synchronise to some accurate clock to call a function at a specific time interval, with little jitter during normal circumstances, from C++/Qt? qt timer Share Improve this question Follow asked Mar 31, 2013 at 15:01 Tristan 3,06877 gold...
xml"//将要检测的图片路径#define source_pix_addr"D:/linux-share-dir/1.jpg"//人脸检测代码voidWidget::opencv_face(QImage qImage){QTime time;time.start();staticCvMemStorage*storage=0;staticCvHaarClassifierCascade*cascade=0;constchar*cascade_name=source_xml_addr;//加载分类器cascade=(CvHaar...
voidWriteShareMemory(); }; #endif// WIDGET_H Widget.cpp文件: #include'Widget.h' #include<QBuffer> #include<QDebug> #include<QDataStream> Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent):QWidget(parent) { sharememory.setKey('share'); this->WriteShareMemory(); ...
opened this issueJan 2, 2024· 5 comments Copy link devtagsecommentedJan 2, 2024 I'm getting an error when building qt6-qtmultimedia. # make qt6 [build] qt6-qtmultimedia i686-w64-mingw32.static Failed to build package qt6-qtmultimedia for target i686-w64-mingw32.static! --- [321...
This repository contains deprecated APIs which have been removed from Qt Applications are recommended to port to the supported APIs. However as some features are lost, these APIs are provided as standalone source code for applications that require removed features. Note: If you downloaded the source...
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //需要设置共享上下文不然停靠窗体从正常到浮动后QOpenGLWidget窗体会失效 #if (QT_VERSION > QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,4,0)) QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_ShareOpenGLContexts); #endif QApplication a(argc, argv); ... } 关于Qt中文乱码的问题,个人也稍微...