针对你的问题“qt requires a c++17 compiler, and a suitable value for __cplusplus on msvc”,我将从以下几个方面进行详细解答: 确认安装并配置了支持C++17标准的编译器: 要编译支持C++17的Qt项目,你需要确保你的MSVC编译器支持C++17标准。MSVC 2017及更高版本支持C++17。你可以通过Visual Studio Installer检...
编写C++17代码:在项目中的源文件中,可以使用C++17的新特性,如std::optional、std::variant、lambda表达式等。 构建和运行项目:点击Qt Creator中的"Build"按钮,编译项目。然后选择Android设备或模拟器,点击"Run"按钮,运行项目。 在Qt Android中使用C++17的优势是可以利用C++17的新特性来简化开发过程,提高代码的可读性...
Encoding support like VirtualDub:Churn out clips faster. No need to open a video editor when your media player can do your job for you. Requires writing an encoder-orientated backend. Suggestions welcome. Contributing If you are a coder, try to follow the conventions in the code and make a...
DOCUMENTATION "C++20 compiler support" ) qt_webengine_configure_check("cmake" MODULES QtWebEngine QtPdf CONDITION CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL ${QT_CONFIGURE_CHECK_cmake_version}} MESSAGE "Build requires CMake ${QT_CONFIGURE_CHECK_cmake_version} or higher." DOCUMENTATION "C...
2024.04.07 update: CMake for version info; V1.7.1 R54 11个月前 Loading... README GPL-3.0 Electronic Train Running Chart implemented with Qt To build this project from source code, seebuild 本项目是对此前的pyETRC项目的C++重构版本,工程名暂定为qETRC。本项目基于GPLv3协议开放源代码,在协议允许...
The QtOrm library is being built on top of Qt 5.12 LTS and requires a C++17-compliant compiler with C++ standard library support. QtOrm depends on QtCore and QtSql. The library is currently being developed and tested on the following platforms: ...
CMake Error: Could not find cmake modulefile: C:/opencv/MinGW/CMakeFiles/3.0.1/CMakeCCompiler.cmake Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)project(qt6project VERSION 0.1 LANGUAGES CXX)set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON)set(TARGET_NAME appqt6project)find_package(Qt6 6.5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Quick Multimedia)qt_standard_project_setup(REQUIRES 6.5)qt_add_executable(appqt6project main.cpp)qt_add_qml_...
settings.compiler.cppstd def requirements(self): if platform.system() == "Windows": self.requires("qt/5.15.3") else: self.requires("qt/6.2.4") self.requires("harfbuzz/4.2.0") self.requires("openssl/1.1.1n") 在default_options 中我们设置 Qt 编译为动态库,并且启用 qttools,因为其中包括 ...