1、打QT补丁:https://debugdump.com/topic/944/%E5%9F%BA%E4%BA%8Ed1s%E7%9A%84qt5%E7%A7%BB%E6%A4%8D?lang=zh-CN2、make menuconfig > Target Images [ * ] ext4 ---> (60000) Maximum number of inodes in root filesystem 【这里改大是为了在板子上解压】 (512) Root filesystem ...
No need to open a video editor when your media player can do your job for you. Requires writing an encoder-orientated backend. Suggestions welcome. Contributing If you are a coder, try to follow the conventions in the code and make a PR. If you are a translator, we will be using ...
os_build=Macos[options][build_requires][env]WARN:qt/6.2.4:requirement openssl/1.1.1m overridden by QtConanExample/None to openssl/1.1.1nWARN:qt/6.2.4:requirement harfbuzz/4.0.1overridden by QtConanExample/None to harfbuzz/4.2.0brotli/1.0.9:Main binarypackage'6124f2723e498ba98ee9b85ff813e8...
Our toolchains requires few additional symbolic links to work properly. Therefore, to create all required symbolic link reliably, we need to downloadSSymlinkerbash script as follows: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhiTronix/raspberry-pi-cross-compilers/master/utils/SSymlinker ...
BuildRequires: qt5-qttools-static # for examples? BuildRequires: qt5-qtquickcontrols2-devel BuildRequires: ninja-build BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: flex BuildRequires: gcc-c++ # gn links statically (for now)
-- XCB: XFIXES requires XCB;RENDER;SHAPE -- XCB: XFIXES requires XCB;RENDER;SHAPE -- XCB: XFIXES requires XCB;RENDER;SHAPE -- Could NOT find XCB_XCB (missing: XCB_XCB_LIBRARY XCB_XCB_INCLUDE_DIR) (found version "") -- Could NOT find XCB_RENDER (missing: XCB_RENDER_LIBRARY XC...
debugging turned on (Mac only).-force-debug-info .. Create symbol filesforrelease builds.-developer-build ... Compile and link Qt with Qt developer options (including auto-tests exporting) 第一个,--release 编译以及链接qt 但是关闭调试。一般的话交叉编译qt的源码都选择这个选项。
不过这都不是事儿。我的 Vim 是使用 coc.nvim 和 coc-clangd 进行的补全和语法诊断,所以,把 CMake 构建生成的 compile_commands.json 文件复制到项目的根目录,就可以让 clangd 正确运行了,如下图: 图12、CMake 生成的 compile_commands.json 图13、格式化之后的 compile_commands.json,看着更清晰 ...
That should result in ash is not recognized as internal or external command...error. If ash.exeis found, the compile process will fail. You have to remove it from the path. To make use of the Clang Code Model: Install LLVM/Clang - see the section "Get LLVM/Clang for the Clang Code...
在前面的基础上: 迦非喵:VTK9.3+CMake+VS2022+Qt6.7.0+RenderWindowNoUiFile简单测试这里继续重构: 参考: https://examples.vtk.org/site/Cxx/Qt/RenderWindowUISingleInheritance/有: CMakeLists.txt cmake_…