Hi, I tried to install sparrow-wifi on two different laptops following the install instructions. On both machines using the latest Kali and fully updated I get the same error as I run the python script. kali:~/sparrow-wifi$ sudo ./sparro...
【🔧更新中】关于 Qt 无比详细教程及案例实现。不仅涵盖了Qt基本控件的使用及讲解,还包含了大学和培训机构不会讲到的:插件设计及实现、基于 QTest 的静态动态、动态测试、CI/CD的使用等 - nekosilverfox/Qt
Represents an axis-aligned box in 3D space QBoxLayout Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically QBrush Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter QBuffer QIODevice interface for a QByteArray QButtonGroup Container to organize groups of button widgets QByteArray Array of bytes QBy...
Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle USER true) //信号 signals: void signal_1(); emit signal_1 发射信号 //槽 public slots: void slot_1(); connect(obj, SIGNAL(signal_1), obj2, SLOT(slot_1)); c++11 connect(sender, &Sender::valueChanged, reciver, &Reciver::showValue)...
Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle USER true) //信号 signals: void signal_1(); emit signal_1 发射信号 //槽 public slots: void slot_1(); connect(obj, SIGNAL(signal_1), obj2, SLOT(slot_1)); c++11 connect(sender, &Sender::valueChanged, reciver, &Reciver::showValue...