PyQt报错:Cannot load backend 'Qt5Agg' which requires the 'qt5' interactive framework, as 'headless' is currently running PyQt报错:could not load Qt platform plugin "xcb" even though it was found 问题描述 在远程链接ubuntu虚拟机进行开发时,报错。
I need to investigate what is going on. Any help appreciated. probonopd self-assigned this Feb 15, 2017 probonopd changed the title Location of application executable inside AppDir Could not start patchelf, version `Qt_5.8' not found errors Feb 15, 2017 probonopd added the bug label F...
Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. The licenses for most software...
Notice that runtime: is non-empty and points to a folder with nvim_gui_shim.vim. Why does :Gui not work in init.vim? The :Gui... commands are not loaded when init.vim runs. These options must be configured from ginit.vim. The file should be placed in the same directory as init...
QEMU是我们在调试一些不同架构的程序时经常使用的虚拟机软件。它有两种运行模式,全系统模拟(System mode)和单程序运行(User mode)。System mode和我们平常用的VMWare一样,模拟整个系统从加载器开始的启动和运行。在设备逆向过程中,如果仅仅是为了运行我们提取出文件系统中的某一个程序,我们就可以使用QEMU的user ...
Hi, I tried to install sparrow-wifi on two different laptops following the install instructions. On both machines using the latest Kali and fully updated I get the same error as I run the python script. kali:~/sparrow-wifi$ sudo ./sparro...
I found a similarquestionin another StackOverflow place. It also displays multiple components in the top-right corner of QTabWidget. The method given by Gediminas is to implement it step by step with code: QWidget* pTabCornerWidget =newQWidget(this); ...
利用__DATE__与__TIME__编译宏特性为Qt程序添加编译日期时间。 static const QDateTime buildDateTime(...
【解决】OCI runtime exec failed...executable file not found in $PATH": unknown 2019-12-11 16:41 −【问题】使用docker exec + sh进入容器时报错 [root@localhost home]# docker exec -it container-test bash OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux... LeoZhang...
The specifiedmodulecouldnotbe found. I commented out individual lines and found that even if I comment out the call to findMATLAB(), the same error occurs at the first call using the matlab::engine namespace. I thought this was maybe a similar issue to Qt where you have to either stat...