交叉编译Qt4.8.5的时候出现👎 error: icpc: Command not found 剑锋以前解决了,但是后来我每次写一个新的QT程序都会出现这样的错误现在记录下来。 解决方法:1.点击 Project 设置,选择交叉编译的kits.2.Build Steps --> Details3.qmake build configuration --> Release4.Additional arguments:5.添加 -spec qws/...
qt command架构 qt c:command not found 现象1 在linux宿主机上,修改了qt工程,编译时出现-1: error: c: Command not found 原因:未知 解决方法 用终端导航的工程目录,执行qmake,make。再次用qt creator打开即可编译。 现象2:qt虚拟键盘打开,除去键盘外,背景全黑,并且提示:This plugin does not support setting...
安装了QT后,执行 qmake 后发现 command not found。解决办法:执行updatedb 执行locate bin/qmake, 可见如下结果: 执行cd /usr/local/bin 执行ln -s /opt/QT_5.9.5/5.9.5/gcc_64/bin/qmake /usr/local/bin 执行qmake -v ,可以发现可以使用 qmake 指令了。
Qt报错: /bin/lrelease: Command not found qt开发语言重新运行源码编译 银河麒麟V10 + ARM CPU。一开始装了qt5.9.9, 发现有点问题,于是又装了qt5.12.8, 在QtCreator中运行程序时报错: /Qt5.12.8/bin/lrelease: Command not found 网上找了一些方法,都不起作用。 不过还是从一篇讨论中找到了一点启发: ...
OK335xS Linux Qt make: icpc: Command not found 一、出错现象: make: icpc: Command not found make: *** [main.o] Error 127 08:55:20: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project heatMachine (kit: TI_arm) ...
环境Windows OS + Eclipse + CDT +QTClipse+MinGW+MSYS+QT 编译QT程序,遇到上面的一个问题,感觉怎么像是在linux下编译,想了想现象,觉得应该是MSYS的问题,查了下MSYS\bin\下面的sh.exe,好像是着个引起的,于是把这个sh.exe移到bin外面,就是说sh.exe现在不在我的环境变量PATH里面了,编译了一把,果然成功了...
OK335xS Linux Qt make: icpc: Command not found 一、出错现象: make: icpc: Command not found make: *** [main.o] Error 127 08:55:20: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2. ... 共有5条 < 1 > 更新时间 2024-03-31 15:14:45 本页面内关键词为智能算法引擎基于机器学习所...
Open a command prompt. Ensure that the following tools can be found in the path: Supported compiler (Visual Studio 2022 or later, or MinGW-builds gcc 13.1 or later) Python 3 ([https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/] or from Microsoft Store) cd <path>\<source_package> configure -pre...
If the command line does not find the programjavaby default or if you intend to use specific Java installation add this variable: > set JAVA_HOME_TARGET=path to your java jdk Start the build process by following command: > ant all
make: icpc: Command not found make: *** [main.o] Error 127 08:55:20: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project heatMachine (kit: TI_arm) When executing step 'Make' 08:55:20: Elapsed time: 00:00. ...