error:'class Ui::mainwindow'has no member named 'show' 各位~求助~璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_0DWyQA7馃惥 后起之秀 7 Ui::mainwindow本来就没有show啊。我从字面理解,你这ui是自己design的界面,用来作为窗口的界面。你想显示这个界面,应该先创建一个继承QMainWindow和Ui的类。QMainWindow是有show的,所以可以显示。
<QT>常见错误总结 1,./ui_logindialog.h:150: error: 'class QLineEdit'has no member named 'setPlaceholderText' ./ui_logindialog.h:151: error: 'class QLineEdit'has no member named 'setPlaceholderText' ./ui_logindialog.h:155: error: 'class QLineEdit'has no member named 'setPlaceholderText'...
// 0 from PyQt5.Qt import * from sys import argv app = QApplication(argv) main = QWidget(None) for i in range(10): b = QPushButton(str(i), main) b.clicked.connect(lambda: print(i)) b.move(i*100, 0) app.exec() 10个按钮,无论按哪...
//Instantiating the Login class Login *myLog = new Login(); //Close the welcome class this->close(); //open the Login class myLog->show(); Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 这是在多个UI之间切换的正确方法吗?该软件可以想像任何具有多个图标按钮的智能手机设备,以打开不同的应用程序....
QT---error: 'class Ui::MyWidget' has no member named 'pushButton_3',程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
//将数据写入到ui组件ResultView中,如果你的setText报错'class QListView' has no member named 'setText' ui->ResultView->setText('1') //,那么可能是你在选择组件的时候出错了,可以看看我的博客: ui->ResultView->setText(sno+" "+sname+" "+ssex+" "+sage+" "+saddr+" "+"\n"); ...; ... } 接下来,我们按住 Ctrl 键的同时,点击 MyWindow 类,跳转到该类的定义处(mywindow.h),如下: #include<QMainWindow>QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE// 在此声明一个MyWindow类,这个类定义在 Ui 命名空间中// 因为下面会定义一个 Ui::MyWindow 类型的指针 *uinamespace Ui {classMyWindow;} ...
show() app.exec_() For PyQt bindings it uses their native implementation, whereas for PySide bindings it uses our custom implementation borrowed from the qtpy project. loadUi has two arguments as opposed to the multiple that PyQt ships with. See here for details - in a nutshell, those ...
error:‘classQApplication’ has no member named ‘setMainWidget’ 1. 错误是由于版本问题,setMainWidget是Qt3的,而在Qt4中,这个函数已经不用了,如果想兼容Qt3,可以再程序头文件前加以下语句(不能在头文件后): #defineQT3_SUPPORT 1. 之后,带有setMainWidget的程序可以成功编译。
no template named 'auto_ptr' in namespace 'std' host:~ user$ cat ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/qt/02.make | show-the-relevant-sections /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang++ -c -include.pch/QtLocation/c++_x86_64 -pipe -stdlib=libc++ -O3 -std=c++1z -fapplication-extension -arc...