no member named ‘exec’ in 没有成员函数,注意你使用的如果是widget界面就会找不到这个函数。需要使用diaglog界面,存在exec()
<QT>常见错误总结 1,./ui_logindialog.h:150: error: 'class QLineEdit'has no member named 'setPlaceholderText' ./ui_logindialog.h:151: error: 'class QLineEdit'has no member named 'setPlaceholderText' ./ui_logindialog.h:155: error: 'class QLineEdit'has no member named 'setPlaceholderText'...
importsysfromQtimportQtWidgetsapp=QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)button=QtWidgets.QPushButton("Hello World") Also see/examples Documentation All members ofQtstem directly from those available via PySide2, along with these additional members. ...;// 3. 调用 QApplication 类的 exec 方法,应用程序就阻塞在这里,并不会退出,而是进入到事件循环的处理, 直到退出程序(比如点击了窗体右上角的关闭按钮)returna.exec(); } 1.4 项目构建流程 第一个 Qt 工程,其中包括 5 个文件: main.cpp mywindow.h mywindow.cpp mywindow.ui 1... Qt's main loop Creating a newQObject To create a customQObject, one can use theinheritQObject(CLASSNAME, BASECLASS)macro. This will start the creation of a new class namedCLASSNAMEwhich derives fromBASECLASS.BASECLASSshould be one of the Qt classes (like a...
(reply, &QModbusReply::finished,&eventLoop,&QEventLoop::quit); eventLoop.exec(); // eventLoop.deleteLater(); } if(reply->error() == QModbusDevice::NoError){ qDebug() << this << "afterTime" << getNowDataFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss.zzz"); ...
if(!sql_query.exec()) { qDebug()<<sql_query.lastError(); } else { while( { sno = sql_query.value(0).toString(); sname = sql_query.value(1).toString(); ssex = sql_query.value(2).toString(); sage = sql_query.value(3).toString(); ...
第三章使用Qt设计器进行界面设计 3.2 将Qt设计器生成的文件集成进你的Qt工程 当你使用菜单项文件--保存窗体或者保存窗体为时,Qt设计器根据窗体中每个部件的信息生成一个.ui文件。这个.ui文件可以在qmake工程文件中指定,如下所示:FORMS = byteconverterdialog.ui 在我们的例子中,qmake只考虑用户界面文件byte...
Signal to Named Member Function Connections connect(thisObject, functionName) In this form of theconnect()function, the first argument is the object that will be bound to the variable,this, when a function is invoked in response to the signal. The second argument specifies the name of a func...