// 参数arg就是上面所说的thisunsignedint__stdcall QT_ENSURE_STACK_ALIGNED_FOR_SSEQThreadPrivate::start(void*arg){QThread *thr =reinterpret_cast<QThread *>(arg);QThreadData *data = QThreadData::get2(thr);// 创建线程局部存储变量,存放线程idqt_create_tls();TlsSetValue(qt_current_thread_data...
多标签浏览 (Multi-Tab Browsing) 多标签浏览是现代浏览器的一个重要特性。为了实现这一功能,我们可以使用 Qt 的 QTabWidget 控件。在 QTabWidget 中,我们可以为每个标签页添加一个 QWebEngineView 实例,从而实现多个网页的同时展示。 书签管理 (Bookmark Management) 书签管理对于浏览器来说是一个重要的功能。我...
void MyWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) {if (event->key() == Qt::Key_A && event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) {// 当按下Ctrl+A时,执行相应的操作}} 5.4.2 处理多键输入 (Handling Multi-Key Input) 要处理同时按下多个键的情况,我们需要在自定义类中跟踪按下的键。可以使用QS...
C、选择VC菜单Project->Settings->C/C++页,Catagory选择Code Generation后再在User Runtime libraray中选择MultiThread DLL等其他库,逐一尝试。 综上,你应该把要申明的变量放在一个1.h中,然后在其中写如下代码#pragmaonceinti=0; 然后新建的.cpp文件中包含#include<1.h> 参考2:https://blog.csdn.net/zhaoyong...
edbee-libQWidget based Text Editor Component for Qt. Multi-caret, Textmate grammar and highlighting support. QtCreator-ColorPickerPluginA color picker plugin for QtCreator. [软件异常上报] libcrashreporter-qt软件崩溃上报 基于Google Breakpad
MDI(Multi-document Interface) 多文档界面的实现 + QMdiArea 的用法【QtMDIEx】 创建QKeySequenceEdit() 后,显示方块■◆乱码 Qt 修改*.svg文件的颜色【ExChangeSVGColor】 高级自绘和组合控件 Qt 使用亚克力的透明磨砂效果的窗口思路和解决方案,三种实现思路,支持全平台【AcrylicWindow】 ...
2- The loop works fine, but when I exit my program I see (throught the "Application Output") that the loop still work (I think that's related with the started thread). This my little example: mainwindow.h #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QM...
Provides high-level APIs to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives. More... Classes class Exception The QtConcurrent::Exception class provides a base class for exceptions that can transferred across threads More... class UnhandledException Unhandled exception in a ...
wait(); } event->accept(); } void MainWindow::onthreadA_started() {//线程的started()信号的响应槽函数 ui->LabA->setText("Thread状态:thread started"); } void MainWindow::onthreadA_finished() {//线程的 finished()信号的响应槽函数 ui->LabA->setText("Thread状态:thread finished"); } ...
I am pretty new to Qt. I am using Qt and the Qt plugin forVisual Studio2010. I am creating a multi-library project that involves plugins and interfaces. While solving an earlier problem I temporarily set one of the dll projects (BuilderCore) to build a static library. I got it to bui...