See also "/home/nand/dev/android-file-transfer-linux/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/nand/dev/android-file-transfer-linux/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". Worryingly,rg qt5_add_translation /usr /libshows no hits on my system. What am I missing?
通过上述步骤,就可以成功解决“platform plugin “windows” is missing”的问题,让编译通过的Qt应用可以正常运行。 如果使用CMake构建项目,可以在CMakeLists.txt中添加自定义命令,在编译后自动复制平台插件,实现自动化: # assuming your target's name is app if(WIN32) add_custom_command( TARGET app POST_BUIL...
/Qt5.12.8/bin/lrelease: Command not found 网上找了一些方法,都不起作用。 不过还是从一篇讨论中找到了一点启发: Missing lrelease when trying to build with Yocto | Qt Forum 后来想起来,用源码编译安装的时候好像最后有一些部分是安装失败的,于是尝试重新编译安装qttools这个package: cd /home...
/usr/bin/cc -march=i686 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -o CMakeFiles/cmTC_112ae.dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c /build/cockatrice-client/src/Cockatrice-2015-08-09-Release/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/testCCompiler.c Linking C executable cmTC_112ae...
使用文本编辑器生成一个新文件,命名为makefile,无需加文件后缀。 新文件内容为: test:hello.o,world.o//test为我们所要生成的目标可执行文件名 g++-otesthello.oworld.o//注意该行行首并非是空格,而是制表符, //需要使用Tab键来生成。否则会报“MissingSeparator”并停止 ...
发现package/gui/qt/qt5目录下的Makefile里,有qt配置文件,但是里面没有-optimized-qmake选项,不知道和这个有没有关系。手动加上了,正在重新编译一遍试试。这个Makefile一旦修改,qt源码就又会重新解压一遍,qt有重新编译一遍,真是麻烦啊。 ./configure \ -prefix $(CONFIGURE_PREFIX) \ -bindir $(CONFIGURE_PREFIX...
Why are the :Gui commands missing? Why does :Gui not work in init.vim? How do I disable the GUI Tabs? Why does the popup menu look different? How do I change the font? Why does :GuiFont throw an error? Why is Neovim unable to start?
Certain Projection Engine data files must be present when you use a grid-based transformation in your app; attempting to use a transformation with missing Projection Engine files will cause an error. The API can detect whether the necessary files are available on the local file system. If your...
For example: OPENSSL_LIBS='-L/opt/ssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto' ./configure -openssl-linked Note: Disabling X11 Accessibility Bridge: D-Bus or AT-SPI is missing. WARNING: QDoc will not be compiled, probably because libclang could not be located. This means that you cannot build the Qt ...
cl : Command line error D8003 : missing source filenameFixed In: Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 Preview 3Fixed In: Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.12Fixed In: Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2C++cppcompiler This issue is read only, because it has been in the Closed - Fixed state for...