5.11.3 MSVC2015 64bit都是带有感叹号的,表示它们并不能使用。...上使用的GNU工具集导入库的集合,这个集合包括了C编译器gcc,C++编译器g++,和调试器gdb等工具。 MSVC为微软(Microsoft,MS)的VC编译器工具,如果安装了MSVC编译器模块,如 Qt使用VS2015编译的库(cpp_redis) 背景:项目用到redis,之前是在vs2015下...
迦非喵:windows11+Qt6.6.2+Qt Game Tutorial 34 - Game Over (Part 1)简单测试2 赞同 · 0 评论文章 这里继续重构: 参考: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj1sq0GDBIs&list=PLMgDVIa0Pg8WrI9WmZR09xAbfXyfkqKWy&index=36www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj1sq0GDBIs&list=PLMgDVIa0Pg8WrI9WmZR...
2014年4月,跨平台集成开发环境Qt Creator3.1.0正式发布,实现了对于iOS的完全支持,新增WinRT、Beautifier等插件,废弃了无Python接口的GDB调试支持,集成了基于Clang的C/C++代码模块,并对Android支持做出了调整,至此实现了全面支持iOS、Android、WP,它提供给应用程序开发者建立艺术级的图形用户界面所需的所有功能。基本上,...
We followed the documentationHow to set up Qt Creator to cross compile for embedded Linuxon Toradex’s developer site and added the Debugger: GDB (Qt Embedded) as specified. Is there some other step that we need to take to make the debugger work properly? Thanks again. You’ve been a ve...
You might be getting an error on each core, during some of the thread pooling (which tries to match the # of processors). I'm going to spend some extra time running OpenShot in Windows under the GDB debugger, and see if I can catch a crash. =) ...