于是,我就自行研究起来,看了下QtCreator中的设置,发现我的gdb设置的就是/usr/bin/gdb,路径没错,gdb也存在,但就是运行错误! 琢磨了一会,突然想到了什么!没错,我运行QtCreator时并不是以管理员权限运行的,所以没法运行系统目录下的gdb,当然运行不起来! 于是,sudo QtCreator,起来后,加载工程,点击调试按钮! 错误...
Home c++ QtCreator 3.1 and Qt5: The GDB Process Terminated Date: 29-May-2014/14:07:28-4:00 Tags: c++, qt Aaaarrrrgggh. So, I keep upgrading Qt Creator and finding yet another broken debugger scenario. Don't get me wrong--I love me some Qt. But I would be lying if I ...
I successfuly connect to the Laterbach GDB server withmips-sde-elf-gdb.exe, I point this debugger as debugger in MIPS (SDE based)toolchain in Qt Creator. But when I try to attach to the remote debugger, Igot error: Unexpected GDB Exit: The GDB process terminated.On console I see next...
However I can't debug on my desktop (The gdb process terminated unexpectly(code 1)) This is the log: sStarting debugger "GdbEngine" for ABI "x86-linux-generic-elf-32bit"... dStart parameters: 'PruebaSabreLite' mode: 1 dABI: x86-linux-generic-elf-32bit dLanguages: c++ dExecutable:...
解决方案参考:Qt-creator warning: Missing Qt Debug Information_高精度计算机视觉的博客-CSDN博客 4:qt进行编译测试。 创建项目时选择对应的msvc套件,然后进行debug编译试试。 1:编辑--->preference--->构建套件中 这里没有感叹号,然后看看debuggers中有没有gdb的。 同时...
使用工具:Qt5.12.0Qt Creator4.8.0 代码如下: QString openFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Please choose an image file", "", "Image Files(*.jpg *.png *.bmp *.pgm *.pbm);;All(*.*)"); qDebug() << openFile; QImage *img = new QImage; bool b = img->loa...
Hello, We are trying to work through a compile error that we receive when attempting to build any software project setup using Qt Creator. We have used the Toradex detailed documentation available on developer.toradex.…
First of all, you’ll have to install Qt Creator, which you can do using the package management system of your distribution. On Fedora systems, this would be: $ sudo dnf install qt-creator On Debian/Ubuntu systems: $ sudo apt install qtcreator ...
2014年4月,跨平台集成开发环境Qt Creator3.1.0正式发布,实现了对于iOS的完全支持,新增WinRT、Beautifier等插件,废弃了无Python接口的GDB调试支持,集成了基于Clang的C/C++代码模块,并对Android支持做出了调整,至此实现了全面支持iOS、Android、WP,它提供给应用程序开发者建立艺术级的图形用户界面所需的所有功能。基本上,...
yes, I had add "QMAKE_LFLAGS \+= -g" in my Qt project file:untitiled1.pro, and I can see the log in the compile output window of Qt-Creator: /opt/Qt/qt-everywhere-5.7.1/bin/qmake-spec aarch64-linux-gnu-g\+\+ CONFIG\+=debug CONFIG\+=qml_debug...