1.Building Qt 5 from Git 2.Building Qt Sources 3.Qt for Linux/X11 - Building from Source 4.Qt Configure Options 5.Qt源码编译configure参数列表 6.wget 软件下载 config :sh ../build-5.12.3.sh 2>&1 | tee build-5.12.3.log make : make -j4 2>&1 | tee make-5.12.3.log 二、关于系统...
For best results, do not use Wayland. Installation Please download linuxdeployqt-x86_64.AppImage from the Releases page and chmod a+x it. If you would like to build linuxdeployqt from source instead, see BUILDING.md. Usage Usage: linuxdeployqt <app-binary|desktop file> [options] Options:...
//\n VCPKG_MANIFEST_INSTALL:INTERNAL=OFF //ADVANCED property for variable: VCPKG_VERBOSE VCPKG_VERBOSE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 VPX_CFLAGS:INTERNAL=-I/home/ts/src/example/build/vcpkg_installed/x64-linux-dynamic/debug/lib/pkgconfig/../../../include VPX_CFLAGS_I:INTERNAL= VPX_CFLAGS_OTHER:INTERNAL...
Neovim Qt is packaged for many distributions, use your favorite package manager. If your distribution is not listed here, please create an Issue with instructions. Arch Linux Neovim Qt is available from the ArchCommunity Repository. $ sudo pacman -S neovim-qt ...
第4步,编译qt的 configure 过程相应的文件(mkspecs/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++/qmake.conf),正点和野火两者有所不同: # 正点原子版本# qmake configuration for building with arm-linux-gnueabi-g++#MAKEFILE_GENERATOR = UNIX CONFIG += incremental QMAKE_INCREMENTAL_STYLE = sublib QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM = linu...
Checking for AVX512 VBMI instructions... yes Checking for AVX512 VL instructions... yes Checking for C++14 support... yes Checking for C++1z support... yes Checking for pkg-config... yes Checking for D-Bus >= 1.2... no Checking for new dtags support... yes ...
linux下编译qt5.6.0静态库 编译QT是一件比较麻烦的事情。所以如果没有必要,就不要编译了。如果你只需要使用QT的一些基本功能,那么就只编译源码目录下的qtbase目录下的东西即可。 下面所介绍的都只是在linux下适用的(windows下使用MinGW也可以,QT提供的MinGW安装包是32位的,需要64位的可以参考)。 在编译前,最好先...
For more details, see alsohttps://doc.qt.io/qt-6/build-sources.html Linux, Mac: cd <path>/<source_package> ./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase cmake --build . Windows: Open a command prompt. Ensure that the following tools can be found in the path: ...
Linux实验报告-源代码编译安装Apache 实验背景: 程序源代码编译安装通常需要如下三个步骤:.../configure à make à make install 第一步:执行源代码路径下的configure脚本 此步骤的目的是:a,检查编译环境是否完备;b,通过configure脚本选项使用户可以定制编译配置...,如 --prefix=PATH 指定程序安装路径 第二步:make...
$ source /etc/profile 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.3 验证交叉编译器 ## 使用该交叉编译器前,需要在Ubuntu安装一些库 【必要!】 $ sudo apt-get install lsb-core lib32stdc++6 ## 验证交叉编译器,有版本信息输出则配置完成 $ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -v ...