October 31, 2019 cmake, linux, sshThis tutorial shows how to use CMake to create Qt-based projects with VisualGDB. If you don’t have Qt installed on your Linux machine, install it (e.g. by running “sudo apt-get install qt5-default” on Debian-based distros). Before you begin, ...
9.5):#,# s /SEARCH/REPLACE/g 注:#号表示数字,表示从多少行到多少行,把SEARCH替换成REPLACE; 编译成功后会提示:Finishedinstall Qt4.5! 若编译过程中提示gmake:not found 请修改,如上图。 修改完成后再编译即可。
To illustrate this integration, Qt has published two tutorials that describe how to create a cross-platform Qt project in Visual Studio that runs on both Windows and an embedded Linux device. Part 1:Creating an Embedded Qt Quick Application in Visual Studio (1/2) This post walks through ...
如果你想编译32位版本的qt,可以选择x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 警告:不要使用 Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 如果你想在linux系统中进行Qt的编译工作,参考这个问答:c++ - How to compile Qt 5 under Windows or Linux, 32 or 64 bit, static or dynamic on Visual Studio or g++ ...
In a 'qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1/qtbase/mkspecs/devices' create new folder named 'linux-arm-xilinx-zynq-g++'. In a 'linux-arm-xilinx-zynq-g++' create 'qmake.conf' file: # # qmake configuration for linux-g++ using arm-xilinx-g++ compiler # MAKEFILE_GENERATOR = UNIX CONFIG +=...
Linux and macOS Open a terminal and copy the text below: curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcfr/qt-easy-build/5.9.1/Build-qt.sh -o Build-qt.sh && chmod u+x Build-qt.sh ./Build-qt.sh -j 4 To display script options: ...
Note: To build qdoc and Qt documentation in future you should set LLVM_INSTALL_DIR environment variable pointing to directory where LLVM is installed (it should be top level directory, the configuration scripts use relative path tracing from this directory). For example, in Linux with LLVM instal...
Package: qt5-base:x64-linux@5.15.16 Host Environment Host: x64-linux Compiler: Clang 18.1.8 vcpkg-tool version: 2024-11-12-eb492805e92a2c14a230f5c3deb3e89f6771c321 vcpkg-scripts version: 96b5ced 2024-12-09 (16 hours ago) To Reproduce vcp...
OBS Qt6 dependencies (UI): sudo apt install \ qt6-base-dev \ qt6-base-private-dev \ qt6-svg-dev \ qt6-wayland \ qt6-image-formats-plugins Plugin dependencies: sudo apt install \ libasound2-dev \ libfdk-aac-dev \ libfontconfig-dev \ ...
Visual Studio,Android Stuido,QT6,Intel TBB和Boost全面转向CMake,众多的开源代码用户,CMake目前是C++的de facto build system。 CMake已经这么成功了,笔者就说一说CMake的一些不足之处: 本身不支持增量编译和云编译(相比bazel):笔者并不认为这是CMake的不足,毕竟工具的定位不同,bazel早期定位是为构建服务端软件...