一、最近这家公司接到一个订单,客户使用到国产操作系统,意味着需要使用到 Linux 系统,于是乎,之前的...
1. 本人是在linux/ubutun中使用QT creator,一次编译程序的时候出现了“no executable specified”的错误而无法运行程序。解决办法: 在用QT creator打开project之前,删除CMakeLists.txt.user文件重新编译,然后运行程序,可以成功。 在此记录,希望再出现这样的问题可以不用再浪费时间。 2.datavisualization/customitems demo...
Executable xxxxx.exe does not exist. 什么错误啊 纠结死了 _宇过_天晴 人中龙凤 11 可能是中文路径吧,exe文件的路径中有中文 xlong_rorer 无名之辈 2 可能是你编译的路径不对,一般都是D:\***-**-Desktop_Qt_5_5_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug 笙声深深 初涉江湖 1 刚刚出了这个错误,找不出来原因...
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初学Qt求助!..Executable E:\Qt\dome\build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_6_3_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\untitled.exe does not exist.AA这个怎么解决啊!
Now, whenever I try to open my old project, I get the error that "Qmake is does not exist or is not executable", and none of the Qt headers can be located. qt qt-creator Share Follow edited Jan 11, 2012 at 1:54 asked Jan 10, 2012 at 2:09 Geore Shg 1,32955 gold badges...
ok) LogError() << "Could not parse verbose level"; else logLevel = number; } else if (argument.startsWith(QByteArray("-executable"))) { LogDebug() << "Argument found:" << argument; int index = argument.indexOf('='); if (index == -1) LogError() << "Missing executable path...
a.exe does not seem to be a Qt executable my step is: 1. copy the exe from build-xxx-release/release/a.exe to a clean folder 2. open terminal from QT(mingw) from my windows start menu 3. cd the clean folder in terminal 4. windeployqt a.exe then the error come out. It dri...
.exe D:\work\qt_2022_work\cmake_work\qt6.3.2\prj03\build\Debug\testprj.exe 64 bit, debug executable Direct dependencies: Qt6Core Qt6Sql All dependencies : Qt6Core Qt6Sql To be deployed : Qt6Core Qt6Sql Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not ...
-- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- Could NOT find CerenceHwrAlphabetic (missing: CERENCE_HWR_ALPHABETIC_INCLUDE_DIRS) -- Could NOT find CerenceHwrCjk (missing: CERENCE_HWR_CJK_INCLUDE_DIRS) -- Could NOT find CerenceXt9 (missing: CERENCE_XT9_INCLUDE_DIRS...