This seems weird to me. Does this still work when cross compiling? Btw, I think it obtains the Qt DLL folder path from qtpaths.exe in the build package folder, which contains absolute paths put in there when this executable is built.stevenwdv added the question label Feb 6, 2024 ...
I am trying to use the QuickTest module of Qt which was working already with Qt 6.2.2 (should also work for 6.5) like this: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS QuickTest) ... add_executable(tstSomeTest ${SRC_FILES} ${QML_RESOURCES}) target_link_libraries(tstSomeTest PUBLIC Qt6::Qui...
Test Function Library packagesExistpackages prepareRecursiveTargettarget qtCompileTesttest qtHaveModulename qmake工具有助于简化跨平台项目的开发构建过程。qmake自动生成Makefiles,这样只需要几行信息就可以创建Makefile。您可以在任何软件项目中使用qmake,无论是否使用Qt编写。 qmake根据项目文件中的信息生成一个Makefile。
When I uninstalled old NDK versions including21.3.6528147, QT Creator displayed this: and this: After I removedSDK Platform 30: InstalledQT Creator 6.0, but it did not help. Tried to removeQT Creator settings files%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\QtProjectand%Syste...
2 files. [1/2] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/syncqt.dir/main.cpp.obj [2/2] Linking CXX executable C:\Test\qt-everywhere-src-6.5.3\build\mingw-release\qtbase\bin\syncqt.exe [155/1355] Building C object qtbase/src/tools/bootstrap/CMakeFiles/Bootstrap.dir/__/__/3rdparty/pcre2/...
工程文件.pro描述了工程信息。工程文件信息会被qmake用于生成包含构建过程中所需的所有命令的MakeFile。工程文件通常包含一系列头文件和源文件,通用配置信息以及音乐程序指定的细节,如应用程序的链接库、搜索路径。 工程文件包含一定数量的不同元素,如注释、变量声明、内置函数以及简单的控制结构。在大多数简单的工程中,只...
target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/designer INSTALLS += target 5、变量处理函数 qmake提供了一个内置函数的选择,以允许变量的内容被处理。内置函数处理被提供的参数,将值或值列表作为结果返回。为了将内置函数结果赋值给变量,必须对内置函数使用$$操作符,就像将一个变量的内置赋值给另一个变量一样。
provided that everything compiled and linked without any errors, we should have aplugandpaint.exefile that is ready for deployment. To check that the application has the required libraries, copy the executable to a machine that does not have Qt or any Qt applications installed, and run it on...
add_executable(RenderWindowUISingleInheritance MACOSX_BUNDLE ${CXX_FILES} ${UISrcs} ${QT_WRAP} ) if (Qt${VTK_QT_VERSION}Widgets_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.11.0") qt5_use_modules(RenderWindowUISingleInheritance ${qt_components}) else() target_link_libraries(RenderWindowUISingleInheritance ${qt_...
Qt Designer 插件是使用一组特定的配置设置来构建的,这些设置依赖于 Qt 为我们的系统配置的方式。为了方便起见,可以通过将 designe r添加到 QT 变量来启用这些设置。例如: 1 QT += widgets designer 有关基于插件的项目的更多示例,请参见 Qt Designer示例。