将二进制文件拷到开发板,并使用 gdbserver 执行二进制文件(remote debuging 部分是因为 qtcreator 连过来之后,才打印的): # gdbserver192.168.1.230:1234packet_analyzer Process packet_analyzer created; pid=11460Listening on port1234Remote debugging from host192.168.1.243hi hello smvSocket Compiling packet filte...
Debugger log: http://pastebin.com/uu09GkM5Mh, it seems as if the stop gets not signalled properly to the qtcreator. Post by hatred From command line with same application and gdb remote debugging work well.Another question: How I can point remote debugger host? Currently I canpoint port ...
When starting gdb with application message “Debugging Helper Missing” is displayed [Solved] http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/23332 文章大意就是QtCreator现在不用Qt调试助手了改用python,而mingw自带的gdb不支持python,所以需要支持python的gdb BuildingGDB http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtCreatorBuildGd...
Qt Creator的问题,两个IDE同时打开,后打开的会出现这个情况 解决方案: 只打开一个IDE。
stefanottili commentedon Feb 2, 2024 stefanottili No luck with Ubuntu 22 and Qt 6.4.2 that comes with Qt Creator :( @Kazzz-SI noticed one thing in the video above: when you open the layout it appears to take a while to load. A progress bar should be displayed while it does so....
SeeInteracting with the Debuggerin the Qt documentation for more information on how to use the debugging tools in Qt Creator. Note Breakpoints Breakpoints can be used in Qt Creator to interrupt your app when it reaches specific lines of code, passing control to you. You can then examine the ...
QtCreator-2.8.1包含5000多个文件,代码行数超过了110万行。 源码目录如下: bin: 生成Linux平台shell脚本。 dist: 安装文件配置信息和版本更新记录。 doc: 生成doxygen文档的配置文件。 lib:Qt组件相关的QML文件 qbs:QBS 配置文件。QBS,即 Qt Build Suite,是一种跨平台的编译工具,目的是将高层的项目描述(使用类似...
安装了CMake之后,QtCreator就可以,创建并编译调试 CMake工程了。 QtCreator创建 CMake 工程只需要在文章Qt Creator 创建 Qt 默认窗口程序 中的下面这一步,将 qmake 改为 CMake 即可: 选择 创建CMake 工程 运行效果 调试运行debugging tools for Windows 默认只能运行, 没法调试运行。调试运行需要Windows安装调试工...
dev 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支106 标签270 Lucie GérardMake repository reuse compliant749e19914天前 6117 次提交 qt3d@79ce8ab Update submodules on 'dev in qt/qt5'