qt 5.15.2 原因 QT Creator 14的debugger默认用python3 Mingw 810_64中的gdb工具只支持python2 解决 参考 https://forum.qt.io/topic/157918/qt-creator-14-is-unable-to-debug-a-qt-5-project/4
1、Qt5卡在launching debugger,无法调试 解决方法是在终端命令设置lldb使用的python版本为2 firecats-MacBook-Pro:~ liuq$ defaults write com.apple.dt.lldb DefaultPythonVersion 2firecats-MacBook-Pro:~ liuq$ defaults read com.apple.dt.lldb{DefaultPythonVersion = 2;} 设置完,重启Qt Creator,大功告成!
2,配置QtCreator 重启QtCreator即可看见: 再看Kits
>&"python theDumper.loadDumpers({\"token\":143})\n" dUNEXPECTED GDB STDERR: Traceback (most recent call last): d File "<string>", line 1, in <module> d File "D:\Msys64/mingw64/share/qtcreator/debugger\gdbbridge.py", line 31, in <module> d import gdb dModuleNotFoundError: ...
Qt c++ project build under Qt Creator 3.4.1 successfully. But when I just can't launch the debugger. Output in the application Output: Debuging starts Debuging has failed Debuging has finished The debugger never really starts. output in the terminal : QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/usr...
MAC 上为QT Creator添加调试器(Debugger) 在QT中使用调试的时候,会发现显示“no debugger set up”,此时需要我们手动设置。找到一个解决方案,现分享如下http://www.it165.net/os/html/201410/9502.html 标号少标个5凑合看吧
然后在qtcreator里面设置这个cdb,点OK重启qtcreator即可 引文链接:Qt Creator无法debug,报错:The selected debugger may be inappropriate for the inferior. Examining symbols and setting breakpoints by file name and line number may fail. The inferior is in the Portable ......
Typically, the interaction between Qt Creator and the native debugger is set up automatically and you do not need to do anything. However, you might have an unsupported GDB version installed, your Linux environment might not have GDB installed at all, or you might want to use the debugging ...
QtCreator创建 CMake 工程只需要在文章Qt Creator 创建 Qt 默认窗口程序中的下面这一步,将 qmake 改为 CMake 即可: 选择 创建CMake 工程 运行效果 调试运行debugging tools for Windows 默认只能运行, 没法调试运行。调试运行需要Windows安装调试工具。
打开 Qt Creator,工具—>选项--->“构建套件”,安装了VS2015,所以只配置MSVC2015 64bit。要配置的套件有警示符号表 解决qt无法调试 Unknown debugger type "No Engine" 、安装调试器 自动 或者 手动安装,记住安装路径。 3、设置Qt Creator 打开 工具-选项-构建和运行,在debuggers中add调试器,选择安装...