1 I've installed QtCreator 5.2.1 in Ubuntu and am trying to build and run an existing project that a coworker is working on. When I try to build the .pro file I receive an error "QGroupBox: No such file or directory.". I know this probably has something to do with the proper he...
第一个错误提示:error C1083: 无法打开包括文件: 'windows.h' 解决方法:.pro文件中加window.h的路径 INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.1A/Include/" 1. 第二个错误:RC1015: cannot open include file 'winver.h' 解决方法:将C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\...
2)用户需要手动配置Qt版本,记住,这里版本路径是找到qmake,如果上面qt安装没有勾选☑️macOS是不会安装qmake的,一般使用默认qtcreator,会自动给你配置好 至此,qt qtcreator已经安装好,可以用了,但是我一般喜欢使用cmake构建,所以在新建 非qt工程->c++ 选择cmake 构建时,报错 this file is not part of any pr...
Install packages:base-devel cmake qt5-base qt5-multimedia qt5-x11extras(qtcreatoris recommended) Clone the project withgit clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:barry-ran/QtScrcpy.git Run./ci/linux/build_for_linux.sh "Release"
Clone the project Open the project root directory all.pro or CMakeLists.txt with QtCreator Compile and runAndroid (If you do not have special requirements, you can directly use the built-in scrcpy-server.jar)Set up an Android development environment on the target platform Open server project ...
解决qt_creator: this file is not part of any project问题 利用qt_creator导入已经生成好的ros workspace后,在此src下面添加文件会出现warning:this file is not part of any project 同时,代码在编写的时候会有报错,虽然编译可以正常通过并且代码能够正常运行,但是无法使用qt的代码补全功能。... 查看原文 window...
have made it more like using gcc. You can elect to use the LGPL which means it is easy to use the Qt shared libraries with closed software. You might also think that a lot of strange constructs that “extend” C++ in unusual ways. The truth is, it does, but with QtCreator, you pr...
Qt creator..我是Qt5 + msvc,使用Qt Creator进行excel文件访问的时候,包含头文件出错,我在.pro文件中添加了GT += axcontainer,请问还要做什么吗?
Getting Started With Qt and Qt Creator on MacOS Two earlier blog posts (1) (2) covered how to set up Qt and Qt Creator on Windows and Linux systems. Let's look at installation on the remaining major desktop platform, macOS. Thanks to the unified Qt installer, the process is very simil...
方法一:通过qtcreator新建一个文件filename.qrc, 1、将图片添加到filename.qrc文件中:选择Add Prefix得到/new/prefix1,简单点改为/,再选Add Files,将文件添加进去,如images/photo.png 或者用文本编辑filename.qrc文件,改为 <RCC> <qresource prefix="/"> <file>images/photo.png</file> </qresource> </...