当你在使用Qt时遇到“this file is not part of any project”的错误,这通常意味着你正在尝试在Qt Creator中打开一个文件,但该文件并未被包含在当前打开的项目中。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 1. 确认文件状态 检查文件位置:确保你试图打开的文件确实位于你期望的目录下。 查看文件类型:确认文件是Qt项目支持的...
至此,qt qtcreator已经安装好,可以用了,但是我一般喜欢使用cmake构建,所以在新建 非qt工程->c++ 选择cmake 构建时,报错 this file is not part of any project the code... 其实,是我本机没有装cmake: $ brew install cmak 就可以了,如果还不行,需要在qt creator上重新build一下,(之前没有cmake,build...
我用的是QT Creator 6.0.2,新建了一个空项目,并在项目中添加了一个cpp文件main.cpp,但新建文件后,项目列表中新建的文件显示是灰色。如图所示 点开main.cpp,上方提示this file is not part of any project the code model may have issues parsing this file property,如图所示 然后运行也报错: 请问这是什么问...
No matter what I do when I create a new project(New project -> Non-Qt Project -> Plain C++ Application) I get this message and can't do anything with my work. I can't build and run the application whats the main thing to do here. It says "This file is not part of any project...
在Android中的QTCreator中找不到错误的“功能”文件 我正试图通过QTCreator为安卓系统编译一个应用程序。特别是一个工具包QT5.12.10 Clang arm64-v8a 我收到了一条错误消息: 代码语言:javascript 复制 In file includedfromC:/Qt/5.12.10/android_arm64_v8a/include/QtCore\QObject:1:In file includedfromC:...
This should be your preferred option because you will use the version that is shipped together with Qt Creator (with backported/additional patches). In addition, MinGW packages for Windows are faster due to profile-guided optimization. If the prebuilt packages do not match your configuration, you...
These packages are not officially supported, for official packages please check out https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtcreatorQt Creator 15Qt Creator version 15 contains bug fixes and new features.The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see...
一般识别图片类型方法: 虽然这一方法可以实现识别图片类型,但是维护起来相对困难。如果真的要识别...
可以看出,Qt Creator 支持一下类型的向导: File Class Project Core::IWizard就是实现以上向导所必须实现的接口。 简单实现Core::IWizard 下面,我们自己实现IWizard接口,来添加一个新的工程类型“Custom Project”,目的是让我们的新的工程类型能够显示在“新建工程”对话框中。
麒麟linux系统QtCreator和QtCreator编译的程序无法输入中文,网上找了很多的libfcitxplatforminputcontextplugin.so库都无法使用正常输入; Qt版本:5.9.6 麒麟系统版本:海光麒麟桌面版kylin V10 SP1 小版本号2203 XC-P923P_KOS_2203_AMD_HG_3250_220630_AUDIT_ACTIVE.iso ...