T. R Gopalakrishnan NairarXivM. Cherian and T. R G. Nair, "A QoS-Aware Routing Protocol for Real-time Applications in WirelessSensor Networks," International journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, vol.2, no.7, pp.84-93, Dec. 2011....
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), a challenging problem is how to advance network QoS. Energy-efficiency, network communication traffic and failure-tolerance, these important factors of QoS are closely related with the applied performance of WSNs. Hence a QoS-aware routing protocol called Directed...
The proposed QoS-aware and heterogeneously clustered routing (QHCR) protocol preserves the vitality in the system and gives the committed ways to the ongoing and defer touchy applications. IndexTerms Energy efficiency, quality of service, real-time traffic, wireless sensor networks. 展开 ...
Comparative review of QoS-aware on-demand routing in ad hoc wireless networks,”Wireless Sensor Network - Zhang, Anpalagan - 2010Comparative Review of QoS-Aware On-Demand Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks[J] . Alagan Anpalagan,Ning Zhang.Wireless Sensor Network . 2010 (04)...
Routing of sensor data has been one of the challenging areas in wireless sensor network research. It usually involves multi-hop communications and has been studied as part of the network layer problems [1,2,3,4]. Despite the similarity between sensor and mobile ad-hoc networks, routing approac...
Energy-Efficient and QoS-Aware Cluster-Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Hybrid Approach towards Optimal Cluster Head Selection In Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), clustering is an important and effective technique for raising the life span of the network, which directly led to an i.....
This paper proposes a novel Quality of Service (QoS) grid routing protocol in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN) based on reinforcement learning to guarantee Quality of Service in WMSN based on the sensing layer of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The sensing layer of IoV acquires abund...
For further improvements, we recommend an optimal QoS aware routing technique for smart cities using IoT enabled wireless sensor networks (OQR-SC). In data gathering phase, the proposed system introduce chaotic bird swarm optimization (CBSO) algorithm for IoT sensor cluster formation; the improved ...
(2010). A QoS-geographic and energy aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. In 5th International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Network.A QoSgeographic and energy aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. KOULALI M A,KOBBANE A,ELKOUTBI M. 5th International ...
N. Al-Karaki, "A Cross- Layer-Based Clustered Multipath Routing with QoS Aware Scheduling for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks." Int'l. J. Distrib. Sensor Networks, 2012, pp. 1-12.Islam T. Almalkawi, Manel Zapata, and Jamal N. Al-Karaki, "A cross layer based clustered multipath ...