网络服务品质认知 网络释义 1. 服务品质认知 ...zzy ranking index),以改进优势程度排序方法中數值不易监别的缺点。最后举一个服务品质认知(QoS-aware) 的网路服务选择 …|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,服务品质认知
QoS的中文意义是:联网服务质量。具体是指在整个网络连接上应用的各种通信或程序类型优先技术。QoS技术的存在是为了获得更好的联网服务质量。QoS是一组服务要求,网络必须满足这些要求才能确保适当服务级别的数据传输。QoS 的实施可以使类似网络电视,网络音乐等实时应用程序最有效地使用网络带宽。由于它可以确保...
qos-aware-routing网络品质要求的传送路径 网络释义 1. 品质要求的传送路径 (B)选择符合品质要求的传送路径(QoS-aware Routing)(C)使用 UDP 等传输层协定以减少传输时间 如果一个封包的遗失会影响 …|基于1 个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
In recent years there has been an explosive growth on the use of wireless video communications. Despite much research in this field, the deployment of effective QoS-aware real-time video services over wireless channels remains a challenging task. In this paper, we first introduce and describe an...
The development of the advanced wireless access technologies is focusing on the enhancement of mobile user satisfaction in terms of quality of service (QoS). As the number of mobile users increases, the amount of traffic passing through base station (BS)
Web服务器集群QoS-aware负载均衡策略的性能评价,Web服务器集群QoS-aware负载均衡策略的性能评价,服务器集群,服务器负载均衡,服务器集群方案,服务器集群技术,集群服务器搭建,服务器负载不兼容,web服务器集群,两台服务器负载均衡,飞天集群服务器, 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ ...
QoS-aware Service-Oriented Middleware for Pervasive Environments Pervasive computing is an intuitive evolution of computing paradigms driven by the wide adoption of mobile devices and wireless networks. It introduces a novel way to support users in their everyday life based on open and dynamic environ...
The framework also enables QoS-aware semantics and interfaces for interoperability among connected components forming a QoS-aware multimedia application. Besides the defined models, the framework introduces an architecture that integrates the models with a set of high-level specifications, a meta-data ...
论文信息:Chen X , Zheng Z , Lyu M R . QoS-aware web service recommendation via collaborative filtering[J]. 2014. 摘要—随着万维网上Web服务的出现和采用的增加,服务质量(QoS)对于描述Web服务的非功能特性变得越来越重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种协作过滤方法,用于利用Web服务用户过去的使用经验来预测Web...