text: imageViewer.images.length == 0 ? "No images to display" : "" } } function fileName(url) { var path = url.toLocalFile(); var i = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i != -1) { return path.substring(i + 1); } else { return path; } } } 这个示例包括一个名为ImageViewer...
假设我们有一个Q_INVOKABLE函数用于从网络加载数据,我们应该将其设计为异步方式,并提供适当的信号来通知数据加载状态: classDataLoader:publicQObject{Q_OBJECTpublic:Q_INVOKABLEvoidloadDataAsync(constQString&url){// 异步加载数据...}signals:voiddataLoaded(constQString&data);voidloadingError(constQString&error)...
The path may be a local filesystem directory, a Qt Resource path (:/imports), a Qt Resource url (qrc:/imports) or a URL. The path will be converted into canonical form before it is added to the import path list. The newly added path will be first in the importPathList(). (3)se...
Widget *view = new QQuickWidget; view...->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("file.qml")); view->show(); 总结 由于QDeclarativeView与QQuickWidget都是继承于QWidget...,可以和QWidget一样的操作; setSource函数能够将qml文件实例化,如果多次同样的URL调用则会重新实例化; 本地文件需要使用QUrl::fromLocal...
// FileIO.qml (better) QtObject { property url source property string text function write() { // open file and write text }; function read() { // read file and assign to text }; } 是的,这看起来更像是一个 QML API。我们使用属性来允许我们的环境绑定到我们的属性并对更改做出反应。
@return 返回文件路径 \a path 所在的文件夹是否为当前监控的文件夹 */ bool FileControl::isCurrentWatcherDir(const QUrl &path) { return imageFileWatcher->isCurrentDir(path.toLocalFile()); } QString FileControl::getNamePath(const QString &oldPath, const QString &newName) { QString old = ...
1QQmlApplicationEngine engine;2QQmlContext *context =engine.rootContext();34QUrl picturesLocationUrl =QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath());5constQStringList picturesLocations =QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation);6if(!picturesLocations.isEmpty()) {7picturesLocationUrl ...
QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile("browsertest.qml"); view->setSource(url); view->show(); Further in the C++ I have anoter issue, if I set the RootDir as in modelDir->setRootPath("/home"); it seems not to do any changes at all. ...
engine.addImportPath( path.join( path.dirname( __file__ ),'ui','qml') ) core.register_types() component = QQmlComponent( engine ) component.loadUrl( QUrl('/home/feoh3/.config/nube/hud.qml') )ifcomponent.isError(): print("\n".join( error.toString()forerrorincomponent.errors() )...
I try to feed the QFileDialog with raw string or url but QFileDialog persist to convert the path. If you need one workaround, call QFileDialog from C++, it work with string path like UNC path. Another workaround, connect your external folder as network drive. ...