Cannot find file: E:\Qt程序\day\.pro. When executing step "qmake"。 检查文件名或路径是否包含中文。
Cannot find file: E:\Qt程序\day\.pro. When executing step "qmake"的问题 最近做C++的课程设计,同学建议用Qt来做图形界面。由于在此之前没有一点项目开发经验,所以内心还是充满疑惑,诸如Qt是一款软件,visual stdio 也是一款开发软件,这两个软件怎么来同时结合在一起,带着满满的疑惑,我便开始了百度之路。 由于...
Againqmakewill warn of common pitfalls, and potential problems. This can include (but not limited to) checking if a file is placed into a list of files multiple times, if a file cannot be found, etc. qmakesupports two different modes of operation. The first mode, which is the default is...
qmake是 Qt 框架中的一个工具,用于生成跨平台的 Makefile 文件,以便于编译 Qt 应用程序。在 Linux 系统中,qmake通常位于 Qt 安装目录的bin子目录下。 基础概念 qmake: qmake是一个项目管理工具,它根据项目文件(通常是.pro文件)生成适用于不同编译系统的 Makefile 或项目文件。
There are also warning options that can help to find problems in your project file:<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->-Wall With this qmake will turn on all known warnings.<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->-Wnone No warning information will be generated by ...
qmakewill override any set TEMPLATE variables with tmpl, but onlyafterthe .pro file has been processed. -tpprefix qmakewill add the prefix to the TEMPLATE variable. -help qmakewill go over these features and give some useful help. There are also warning options that can help to find problems...
我也遇到了同样的问题,不过是vs2010,解决办法是在vs中点击QT——QT选项(QT Option),设置好qmake所在文件夹bin的位置
(library path) flags and qmake will do the correct thing with these libraries on Windows and the Symbian platform (namely this means passing the full path of the library to the linker). The only limitation to this is the library must exist, for qmake to find which directory a-llib lives...
VS2019环境下用nvcc编译cuda静态库时出现Cannot find compiler ‘cl.exe‘ in PATH的解决办法 输入:nvcc -c kernel.cu时出现Cannot find compiler 'cl.exe' in PATH,需要在环境变量中加入VS2019中cl.exe的路径 我的安装环境是 设置好后就不会再提示上面那个错误了... ...