我也遇到了同样的问题,不过是vs2010,解决办法是在vs中点击QT——QT选项(QT Option),设置好qmake所在文件夹bin的位置
Error: cannot find qmake either at $QMAKE_PATH or in current $PATH #1 Saszalez New Member Join Date: Jul 2020 Posts: 2 Rep Power: 0 I have CentOS 7.8.2003 installed. I am trying to compile with Intel compilers, version 18.0.5 20180823. When I run ./mak...
CMake Warning at /opt/qt6.5-static/lib/cmake/Qt6/QtFindWrapHelper.cmake:69 (find_package): By not providing "FindQt6BundledPcre2.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt6BundledPcre2", but CMake did not find one...
I have to use EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST to avoid qmake error as following: | Checking to see if the QtGui module should be built... | /home/bchoi/work/official_ros_humble_build/bchoi-build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/python3-pyqt5-native/5.15.1-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/qmake -o cf...
Cannot find file: E:\Qt程序\day\.pro. When executing step "qmake"的问题 最近做C++的课程设计,同学建议用Qt来做图形界面。由于在此之前没有一点项目开发经验,所以内心还是充满疑惑,诸如Qt是一款软件,visual stdio 也是一款开发软件,这两个软件怎么来同时结合在一起,带着满满的疑惑,我便开始了百度之路。
I tried a clean install of sources again with the addition of the mph include and path to the fedora_fpic makefile. I also adjusted the makeParaView file to compile withMPI, withPython, and pointed to the qmake and cmake executables. ...
(This particular problem was a side effect of having qmake translate Qt .profile files into .vcproj files. Considering the size of the project, fixing this manually once in a while was a small price to pay.) Make sure to read Microsoft’s article815645and839286on LNK1181 as well. Both of...
/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.14/Modules/FindQt4.cmake:1314 (message): Found unsuitable Qt version "5.10.0" from C:/SDKs/Qt/5.10.0/5.10.0/msvc2017_64/bin/qmake.exe, this code requires Qt 4.x Call Stack (most recent call first): GUISupport/Qt/CMakeLists.txt:71 (find_package...
So, I wonder if maybe this comes down to the same things; tweaking the CMakeLists.txt to make CMake find the modules in Ubuntu. But so, this issue is not related to Qt.py and more of an issue related to the pyside2-wheels project, where I now see I actually have created an ...