我也遇到了同样的问题,不过是vs2010,解决办法是在vs中点击QT——QT选项(QT Option),设置好qmake所在文件夹bin的位置
C++ Qt framework: qmake exits with error code 2, can not find project.pro file, yet it's there Related 0 Qmake does not specify a valid qt 6 Error when executing step 'qmake' on Mac Os 3 How to change the qmake path in to [Qt-dir/bin/]. 7 qmake not found although Qt ins...
CMake Warning at /opt/qt6.5-static/lib/cmake/Qt6/QtFindWrapHelper.cmake:69 (find_package): By not providing "FindQt6BundledPcre2.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt6BundledPcre2", but CMake did not find one...
As seen inthis merge requestthere is a bug in theqmake.conffile which configures the variables used whenever you use the default configuration of qmake. The option-enable-stdcall-fixupneeds to be prefixed with a-Wl,in order to get parsed correctly bymingw32-g++because-e...will be...
I have to use EXTRA_QMAKEVARS_POST to avoid qmake error as following: | Checking to see if the QtGui module should be built... | /home/bchoi/work/official_ros_humble_build/bchoi-build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/python3-pyqt5-native/5.15.1-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/qmake -o cf...
I tried a clean install of sources again with the addition of the mph include and path to the fedora_fpic makefile. I also adjusted the makeParaView file to compile withMPI, withPython, and pointed to the qmake and cmake executables. ...
(This particular problem was a side effect of having qmake translate Qt .profile files into .vcproj files. Considering the size of the project, fixing this manually once in a while was a small price to pay.) Make sure to read Microsoft’s article815645and839286on LNK1181 as well. Both of...
(This particular problem was a side effect of having qmake translate Qt .profile files into .vcproj files. Considering the size of the project, fixing this manually once in a while was a small price to pay.) Make sure to read Microsoft’s article815645and839286on LNK1181 as well. Both of...
error: cannot find -lvtkRendering ... I really appreciate any help you can provide. in theVTK-install/lib/vtk-5.10/ In the Qt Creator, you have to edit the pro file. This is what you have to add to the end of the pro file created in Qt creator. LIBS...
sudo make install and compared to an installation via DEB. All the files were there, in the correct locations (including the qt.conf files), but the problem remains that themake installinstance doesn't find it's Qt. We may ultimately just update the INSTALL documentation to recommend building...