Qing Qi Huatan Wan 清气化痰丸 qing dynasty phr. 清朝 Qing kiln 青窑 genuine qi or vitality qi 真气 Baohe Wan 保和丸 Maziren Wan 麻子仁丸 Xianglian Wan 香连丸 pale and wan 脸色苍白, 没有血色 qi and blood 气血 disorder of qi 气机不利 相似...
清肺化痰。用于肺热咳嗽,痰多黄稠,胸脘满闷。清气化痰片具有清热化痰的功效。清气化痰片适用于内热有火,肺液凝结,肺气下行不畅。这会导致难以吐出的浓稠黄色痰。 内热也损害和阻碍中焦的气,从而抑制脾脏的运输和转化功能。这进一步有助于痰的生成。根据中医理论,痰是由脾产生储存在肺中。因此,清气化痰片要化中焦...
Chinese Name: 清气化痰丸, Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan English Name: Trichosanthis Seed Formula Formula Principles: Clears Heat, dissolves phlegm, descends Qi. Ingredients: Chen Pi Tangerine Peel Ban Xia (Fa) Pinellia Rhizome (Processed) Dan Nan Xing Bile Arisaema Fu Ling Poria Gua Lou Zi ...
Qing Qi Huatan Wan 清气化痰丸相关短语 tuclase (咳必清) 妥克拉司 special SG (弹丸号名) 特号SG An Illustrated Book on Plants (清吴其浚撰) (1848) 植物名实图考 release valve ball (滤清器) 旁通球阀 contracted jet (水或气的) 收缩喷注 transconductance (电气用语) 互导 white water (即水中搀...
Houttuynia Combo | 清气化痰丸 | Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan quantity Add to cart GTIN: 713757957830 SKU: A023a Category: Respiratory System Tag: featured Description Additional information Reviews (0) Ingredients: Houttuynia Herb, Apricot Seed, Trichosanthes Seed, Bitter Orange, Indian Bread, Skullcap ...
Qing Qi Huatan Wan 清气化痰丸 Ye Gui a, famous physician of the Qing Dynasty 叶桂 annealing kiln 退火窑炉 chamber kiln 环室窑 cement kiln 水泥窑 compartment kiln 周期干燥窑 curing kiln 养护窑 相似单词 qing n. 清 kiln n. 窑,炉,干燥炉 vt. 烧窑,在干燥炉干燥 Kiln 大窑 kil...
Traditional Chinese Formula - Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan (Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan Pian) is made of 100% pure authentic Chinese herbs of highest qualities. Traditional preparation procedures are combined with modern pharmaceutical processes to extract the active ingredients from the herbs and to further concen...
Qing Qi Hua Tan Pian powerfully clears heat from the lung and dissolves phlegm. Qing Qi Hua Tan Pian is indicated in cases where internal heat and/or fire have caused Lung fluids to congeal, thereby disrupting the descending of Lung Qi. This results in thick, yellow phlegm that is difficul...
读拼音,写词语。吃。这几站在了。cháo()边叽叽喳喳地叫着,树下那只 jiǎo huá()的狐狸们的只能远远地望着这只小鸟。2. 几只 tan wan()的qing w
拼音为qíng的汉字 (共32字) 夝剠勍甠 夝剠勍甠 啨硘情殑氰晴棾葝䞍暒擏 樈䝼檠㯳擎 䲔 黥 拼音为qǐng的汉字 (共23字) 顷苘请 顷苘请 庼頃 䯧廎䔛漀㷫請 檾謦 拼音为qìng的汉字 (共25字) 庆凊庆凊掅殸䋜 碃箐靘慶綮