Objective: To explore the effect of Qingjin Huatan granule( QJHTG) on regulation of transcriptional activator and signal transducer STAT1 and STAT3 in lung tissues of rat models with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD)( phlegm-heat stagnating in lung). Method: COPD ...
Effect of Qingjin Huatan Decoction on transferrin and Iron regulatory protein in COPD ratsHONG MeiWang Guang-yaoPEI KaiPENG Si-minWANG LinZHANG Yan-yanXU Guang-lanJournal of Hainan Medical University
每页一句:眼睛所能看到的地方,就是你會到達的地方。 检索到拼音为qing的汉字: 渹殑箐擏殸綮掅綪亲親庆苘顷夝青靑甠氢轻请勍卿郬倾剠凊硘情氫圊埥庼啨寈頃清淸棾葝晴氰軽傾暒碃靘蜻輕廎慶漀請樈鲭錆檠磬擎儬濪罄謦檾鯖櫦黥鑋 按拼音检索:
鯖 鑋 拼音为qíng的汉字 (共32字) 夝剠勍甠 夝剠勍甠 啨硘情殑氰晴棾葝䞍暒擏 樈䝼檠㯳擎 䲔 黥 拼音为qǐng的汉字 (共23字) 顷苘请 顷苘请 庼頃 䯧廎䔛漀㷫請 檾謦 拼音为qìng的汉字 (共25字) 庆凊庆凊掅殸䋜 碃箐靘慶綮 ...
Zunhua County in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei, with the Eastern Qing tombs Zunhua county level city 三合会 Trad. 三合會 sān hé huì triad, Chinese crime gang triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dynasty China Show Strokes 野叟曝言 Yě sǒu Pù yán Yesou Puyan...
Objective: To observe the effect of Jiawei Qingjin Huatan Decoction( 加味清金化痰汤,JWQJHTD) on TCM syndrome scores, C-reactive protein and white blood cell count in patients with acute bronchiectasis with TCM syndrome differentiation type of phlegm-heat and toxin obstructing the lung. Methods:...
5.The Observation of the Clinical Effect of Jia Wei Qing Jin Hua Tan Tang on AECOPD Therapy;加味清金化痰汤治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期的临床疗效观察 6.Clinical research on Huoxuetongluohuatan decoction in the treatment of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis活血通络化痰汤治疗肺间质纤维化的临床研究 ...
第1课春日偶成song cheng hao[宋]程颢yun dan feng qing jin wǔ tian bang hua suí liǔ guo qián chuan云淡风轻近午天①,傍花随柳过前川②shi ren bu shi yu xin le jiang wei tou xián xué shao nián时人不识余心乐,将谓③偷闲学少年。wǔ tian zhong wǔ shi fenchuan he liu zhe Iǐ ...
du yi du hui dá wen tí四、读一读,回答问题。hua qi yi画(其一)yuan kan shan qing qing jin ting shui
Define Qing dynasty. Qing dynasty synonyms, Qing dynasty pronunciation, Qing dynasty translation, English dictionary definition of Qing dynasty. Noun 1. Qing dynasty - the last imperial dynasty of China which was overthrown by revolutionaries; during the