Docker container which runs the latest qBittorrent-nox client while connecting to WireGuard or OpenVPN with iptables killswitch to prevent IP leakage when the tunnel goes down. Also a automatic VPN conf switcher incase you have a free/unstable VPN....
If you wish to use WireGuard (defined via 'VPN_CLIENT' env var value ) then due to the enhanced security and kernel integration WireGuard will require the container to be defined with privileged permissions and sysctl support, so please ensure you change the following docker options:- from --...
Docker custom network type:docker自定义网络类型,有两种:macvlan和ipvlan,一般简单的网络我们使用macvlan即可,详细区别可搜索macvlan ipvlan。 主机访问自定义网络:关系到docker能否和宿主机(unraid)互相访问,或者vpn进来能否访问宿主机(unraid)界面和资源,根据需求打开。 保留用户自定义网络:上面提到了我们新建了一个macv...
version: "3.5" services: qbittorrent: image: markusmcnugen/qbittorrentvpn:latest network_mode: "bridge" privileged: true container_name: qBittorrent volumes: - /share/Docker/qbittorrent/:/config:rw - /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/qBittorrent/Downloads/:/Downloads:rw - ...
Docker Hub evirci(Evirci)January 9, 2024, 1:17pm1 Hi, i have installed qbittorrent (linuxserver/qbittorrent) in a portainer. it is under gluetun container, he it works through vpn. i have share a folder by samba truenas (IP/share /mnt/HDD cifs noperm,username=name,password=pass) ...
What you wanna do is go to your advanced settings, set your Network interface to eth0 and IP address to the address shown in the list, it should be the bridge IP from docker. Please correct me if I am wrong but you need Tun0 to use a vpn so if you change it to eth0 your vp...
- LINUX: Add Dockerfile (Amanuense-del-diavolo, Tom Piccirello, Chocobo1) - LINUX: Remove option of using icons from system theme (now-im) - MACOS: Fix wrong background color in properties widget (NotTsunami) - OTHER: Binary distributions of qbittorrent are GPLv3+ licensed (sledgeham...
Note:How to Use Docker Containers With VPN. Note:Convert Docker Run Into Docker Compose. Note:How to Clean Docker. Note:How to Clean Docker Automatically. Note:Best Practices When Using Docker and DDNS. Note:Some Docker Containers Need WebSocket. ...
qBittorrentVPN is a Docker build script for Arch Linux base withqBittorrent,PrivoxyandOpenVPNall included in one image. The support forum for qBittorrentVPN is locatedhere. Install/Setup¶ This application does not have any specific setup instructions documented. If you need assistance setting up...
9. With the Compose file now written we can start the qBittorrent container using the following command in the terminal. We don’t use the “-d” option here as we do not want Docker to detach from the terminal. This is because we need a password that qBittorrent generates at start-up...