Downloading files Steps To Reproduce deploy service and use cifs share // /mnt/multimedia cifs rw,vers=3,user=...,password=...,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 Environment - OS:"Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS" - How docker service was installed: distro's packagemanager CPU arc...
Command used to create docker container version: "2.1" services: qbittorrent: image: container_name: qbittorrent environment: - PUID=114 - PGID=122 - TZ=Europe/Prague - WEBUI_PORT=8080 volumes: - /home/barney/containers/serveros-containers/qbittorent_gluetun/...
InstallContainer Managervia Synology “Package Center”. If you run an older DSM version (under 7.2), search forDockerinstead of Container Manager. STEP 3 Go toFile Stationand open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name itqbittorrent. Follow the instructions...
Lastly, always use a VPN when torrenting. You may pair this with aVPS, seedbox, or adockersetup but they have diminishing returns. Torrenting is safe if you take the necessary precautions and keep away from malware-infested files.
我们搭建的服务基于这个开源项目 The service we built is based on this open-source project 创建服务 / Create service # 创建用于存储下载资源的文件夹(推荐将外接硬盘挂载到这个位置,有效提升提升树莓派的存储...
Schedule: SelectRun on the following datethen select “Do not repeat“. Task Settings: Check “Send run details by email“, add your email then copy paste the code below in the Run command area. After that clickOK. docker run -d --name=qbittorrent-vue \ ...
- LINUX: Add Dockerfile (Amanuense-del-diavolo, Tom Piccirello, Chocobo1) - LINUX: Remove option of using icons from system theme (now-im) - MACOS: Fix wrong background color in properties widget (NotTsunami) - OTHER: Binary distributions of qbittorrent are GPLv3+ licensed (sledgeham...
Cool, I got it almost working under Docker. Sonarr and Raddarr tests are passing but all the downloads are Stalled... Any ideas where to look to get these downloads really downloading? Thanks in advance for the help. Check to see if your tracker has whitelisted the new QBitto...
There you go. Install qBittorrent webui and enjoy downloading. CategoriesHome Server Anand Anand is a self-taught computer geek, hopeless tinkerer (“If it ain’t broke, fix it anyway!”), and part-time blogger. By day, he’s a Scientist; by night, he dives into Linux, home servers,...
Why i am download file log always prompt "error: Permission denied", if i don't change the Default Save Path in qBittorrent then can downloading. LSP0123 commentedon May 30, 2024 LSP0123 Wallemuse commentedon May 31, 2024 Wallemuse ...