This repository contains search plugins for the search feature in qBittorrent. ⚠️ We removed support for Python 2. Please, upgrade to Python 3 to continue using the search function. Jackett search plugin is enabled by default but you have to install an external program to make it work....
Unofficial search plugins Jump to bottomEditNew page BurningMop edited this pageNov 25, 2024·562 revisions Here you can find unofficial search engine plugins for qBittorrent that are made available by the community Read First Note that python plugins/scripts are, by its nature, not considered to...
So after more searches and reading, looks like I have finally found a fix that now has my search plugins working. I opened up the shell of the jail where Qbittorrent is installed , and used the command, "pkg install python" I stopped the jail, restarted and went into the windows webui...
网络链接 """""""https://raw.githubusercontent...
4 安装新的搜索引擎,点击这个http:// 下图需点击查看大图 5 选择自己想下的搜索引擎,点击Download,复制地址栏中的URL 6 点击安装新的搜索引擎,选择网络连接, 7 将刚刚复制的URL粘贴进去,点击OK 8 新的搜索引擎便安装好了 9 搜索示例...
qBittorrent所有插件,也就是上的插件 qBittorrent2017-11-25 上传大小:49KB 所需:50积分/C币 qbittorrent搜索插件 qbittorrent搜索插件 上传者:qq_39453936时间:2022-03-13
search engine for windows 7 BitTorrent 3.1 Free The original Bittorrent client Download Alternatives toBitTorrent Is this a good alternative for qBittorrent? Torrent Files For Windows 7 file search for mac free .Torrent Torrent Files For Windows ...
- SEARCH: Use explicit class for search plugin versions (evsh) - SEARCH: Remove all search plugins from repo. There is another repo named 'search-plugins'. (sledgehammer999) - SEARCH: Update the backend when a new plugin favicon is downloaded. (sledgehammer999) ...
- SEARCH: Remove all search plugins from repo. There is another repo named 'search-plugins'. (sledgehammer999) - SEARCH: Update the backend when a new plugin favicon is downloaded. (sledgehammer999) - SEARCH: Allow search plugins sorting. Closes #7526. (Nick Korotysh) ...
自带 部分搜索插件 全新安装默认只开启官方自带部分和一个中文搜索插件。其它可到 视图-搜索引擎-界面右侧搜索-搜索插件-启动栏(双击)开启 一些搜索插件网站需过墙才能用 jackett搜索插件需配置jackett.json(位置config/qBittorrent/data/nova3/engines),插件需配合jackett服务的api_key。