This repository contains search plugins for the search feature in qBittorrent. ⚠️ We removed support for Python 2. Please, upgrade to Python 3 to continue using the search function. Jackett search plugin is enabled by default but you have to install an external program to make it work....
GitHub Copilot Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Sign in Sign up Reseting focus hannsen/qbittorrent_search_pluginsPublic Notifications Fork7 Star16 Code Issues Pull requests ...
首先去 下载需要的插件下载好后上传到nas服务器当前用户目录下,进入qb的插件目录,如:cd /volume1/docker/qbittorrent/config/qBittorrent/nova3/engines/再把刚才上传的文件移动过来mv /volume1/homes/ds/engines/*.py ./再看一下文件权限是否正确ls -al修改权限...
相比阅览每个资源网站,qbittorrent自带的搜索功能极大地减少了用户在寻找资源上所花费的时间 二、开启搜索功能 点击视图,勾选搜索引擎 视图->搜索引擎->开 三、下载搜索插件 这个搜索引擎列表由github提供,点击List of unofficial search plugins,到页面最底下有: Download...
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/qBittorrent/.local/share/qBittorrent/nova3/engines] #
qBittorrent search-plugins qBittorrent-website 收藏 1 qbittorrent/qBittorrent - GitHub qBittorrent BitTorrent client. qBittorrent is a bittorrent client programmed in C++ / Qt that useslibtorrent (sometimes called libtorrent-rasterbar) by Arvid Norberg. It aims to be...
具体请请参考,根据自己需要安装的插件对python 3的支持情况,下载安装对应的python 版本。 2、在qBittorrent 中点击“搜索” 3、点击“搜索插件” 4、点击“安装一个新的搜索引擎”->点击“网站链接” ...
plugins/ 参考: qbittorrent插件: 怎样遍历NodeList对象:
接下来点击搜索添加插件,官方上有现成的搜索插件了: 除了国外的BT种子搜索引擎,也有国内的游侠等。全部搜索引擎都给安装上,这样搜索出来的结果才会比较多。 搜索结果可以看种子数,选择种子数比较多的下载。车牌号搜索的姿势就等大家自己去解...