基于matlab的QAM的模块的各个模块功能分析 QAM解调部分: 将接收到的信号和两个正弦信号相乘,即signal*sin, signal*cos. 其相位分别设置为pi/2,0表示SIN,COS === 然后将信号分别通过根升余弦滤波器。其具体的参数设置如下: :这个模块是用来显示眼图的,显示系统的眼图 其显示结果: 这个就是16QAM的眼图显示 :信号...
The conventional format for representing a signal in MATLAB is a vector or matrix. The length of the data stream (that is, the number of rows in the column vector) is arbitrarily set to 30,000. Set therngfunction to its default state, or any static seed value, so that the example prod...
if m*n>r*c % If bits in HP stream signal are more then the LP stream signal then truncate the HP stream bits that are over and above the LP stream ChannelCoded_HPSignal(r+1:end) = []; TSid=0; % Truncated stream Id elseif m*n<r*c % If bits in LP stream signal are more ...
1,N);% 16-QAM 调制M=16;% 16-QAMdataSymbolsIn=bi2de(reshape(data,4,N/4).','left-msb');% 比特到符号映射dataMod=qammod(dataSymbolsIn,M);% 16-QAM 调制% 通过 AWGN 信道receivedSignal=awgn(dataMod,EbNo,'measured');% 16-QAM 解调receivedSymbols=qamdemod(receivedSignal,M...
matlab scatterplot(modData); title('16-QAM Constellation Diagram'); xlabel('In-phase'); ylabel('Quadrature'); 4. 测试与验证 通过添加噪声并解调信号来计算误码率,以验证调制和解调过程的准确性。 matlab EbNo = 20; % 信噪比(dB) rxSignal = awgn(modData, EbNo, 'measured'); demodData = qa...
signal_receive2 = signal_receive1.*exp(sqrt(-1)*2*pi*OFFSET*t ); offset2 = func_phase_est_dnn(signal_receive2);%基于深度学习的相位估计 RR = signal_receive2.*exp(-sqrt(-1)*2*pi*mean2(offset2)*t); %加相位补偿 output = DeModulator(RR,K); ...
仿真结果表明这种通过MATLAB 实现的数字通信系统具有较强的可实现性,为实际应用和科学合理地设计正交幅度调制系统,提供了高效的仿真平台。关键词:调制;QAM ;MATLAB 中图分类号:TN914.3 文献标识码:A The Modulation Technology of QAM And The Simulation in Matlab Yanghuiyuan Liyunhong Tuchengjun (...
matlab信号处理qam信号的频谱变换ppt课件 系统标签: qam频谱offsetbaseband信号matlab BasebandandBandpass Signal Up&downconversionVSsampling 1- Whattolearn? 2- Whattolearn? 3- Whattolearn? •Fordirectconversionorhomodyneorzero-IFreceiverarchitecture,theimageisthesignalitself,asweknow, forsignalssuchasthequad...
A hybrid adaptive blind equalization algorithm for QAM signals in wireless communications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,2004,52(7):2058-2069. [2] GODARD D N. Self-recovering equalization and carrier tracking in two-dimensional datacommunication systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on ...
3.MATLAB核心程序 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 fori= 1:length(SNR) i forj= 1:10 [i,j] %产生信号 signal =round(rand(1,LEN)); ...