1、QAM信号波形和星座图仿真 2、QAM信号调制解调仿真 四、Matlab源码 1、QAM信号波形和星座图仿真源码 2、QAM信号调制解调仿真源码 本节内容 正交幅度调制,又称为正交振幅键控,QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)。 多进制正交调幅MQAM,是一种既调幅又调相的数字调制,用载波的不同幅度及不同相位来表示多进制数字...
数字信号是对连续变化的模拟信号进行抽样、量化和编码产生的,称为PCM(Pulse Code Modulation),即脉冲编码调制。 脉冲编码调制就是把一个时间连续,取值连续的模拟信号变换成时间离散,取值离散的数字信号后在信道中传输。脉冲编码调制就是对模拟信号先抽样,再对样值幅度量化,编码的过程。 抽样,就是对模拟信号进行周期性...
I have a problem with 16qam modulation. I want to modulate with 16qam a binary signal and as I know 16-qam supposed to separate the signal into groups of 4 bits and maps them each one to a complex number. The problem is that I try to do this with 16 bits but I don't take 4 c...
Gray Code AGray code, also known as a reflected binary code, is a system where the bit patterns in adjacent constellation points differ by only one bit. Extended Capabilities C/C++ Code Generation Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™. ...
QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation). Its an AM technique of sending more data on same frequency by taking orthogonal carrier. Its simply done in this code. 인용 양식 Mukhtar Hussain (2024). QAM (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34750-qam), MATLAB Central File ...
1、毕业设计(论文)外文参考资料及译文the modulation technology of qam and the simulation in matlab qam调制技术应用及其matlab仿真学生姓名: 学号: 专业: 通信工程 所在学院: 信息技术学院 指导教师: 职称: 6说明:要求学生结合毕业设计(论文)课题参阅一篇以上的外文资料,并翻译至少一万印刷符(或译出3千汉字)以上...
The modulation scheme uses baseband 16-QAM, and the signal passes through an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The basic simulation operations use these Communications Toolbox™ and MATLAB® functions. Generate Random Binary Data Stream ...
General QAM Modulation and Demodulation Copy Code Copy Command Create the points that describe a hexagonal constellation. Get inphase = [1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 2 2 5/2]; quadr = [0 1 -1 2 -2 1 -1 0]; inphase = [inphase;-inphase]; inphase = inphase(:); quadr = [quadr;quad...
基于matlab GUI数字频带(ASK、PSK、QAM)调制仿真 二、源代码 function varargout = digital_modulation(varargin) %DIGITAL_MODULATION %Author: leslieyao %leslieyao2000@yahoo.com.cn %Loja (Ecuador) %For more information, visit: www.miniyao.cn
analysis different level modulation system of QAM performance, at the same time, add gaussian white noise on the previous signal , and do the same analysis like preceding [1]. 【keywords】QAM,MATLAB,modulation and demodulation, constellation diagram, bit error rate 基于MATLAB的QAM调...