Qtime管控(Queue Time Control)是半导体制造过程中一个重要的和效率管理环节,尤其在刻蚀工艺(ETCH)中显得尤为重要。 一、Qtime的定义和重要性 Qtime(Queue Time)即“排队时间”,是指在生产流程中,某一工序或设备在接收到任务后,等待处理的时间。具体来说,Qtime是指晶圆在一个工序的前一工序完成到该工序开始的时...
Qtime, short for "Quality Time," is a process used in workshop management to control and monitor the time spent on various tasks. It is an important tool for improving productivity and efficiency in the workshop. The qtime control process involves several steps, including setting time goals,...
Key words: Gate oxide process; Q-Time control; Semiconductor manufacture 0 引言 随着电子产品的智能化发展,集成电路向更小、更快、更便宜的趋势发展,半导体工艺技术也由原有的亚微米进入了纳米级的技术(如图1)。业界代工厂的技术节点已迈入 40 28nm/20nm 时代,10nm 技术节点的研发也正在进行,很快将进入...
process control becomes more strict. The Q-Time control is the most common method in the semiconductor industry to avoid the long time of process waiting induces various side effects by clean room's environment. Gate oxide is one of the most important parts in the semiconductor ...
semiconductor device, it determines the device's threshold voltage, effective mobility ratio and reliability, which are also the key factors of the LSA and VLSA manufacturing's final yield. Q-Time control in gate 30 oxide process becomes more improtant especially in advanced technology nod. This ...
Key words: Gate oxide process; Q-Time control; Semiconductor manufacture 0 引言 随着电子产品的智能化发展,集成电路向更小、更快、更便宜的趋势发展,半导体工艺 40 技术也由原有的亚微米进入了纳米级的技术(如图1)。业界代工厂的技术节点已迈入 [1] 28nm/20nm 时代,10nm 技术节点的研发也正在进行,很快将...
The invention discloses a control method and system for Q-time interval products. The method comprises the following steps: acquiring the parameters of the current Q-time interval processing procedure; calculating the weights of all steps in the current Q-time interval by a weight calculation ...
At different periods of its evolution and in different zones along its length, the TFZ has distinct geological features that control gold mineralization. In the northeastern part of the TFZ, early-stage faulting activity (from the Jurassic to Cretaceous) is associated with abundant calc-alkaline ...
In order to simultaneously control the current and pressure profiles in high performance tokamak plasmas with internal transport barriers (ITB), a multi-variable model-based technique has been proposed. New algorithms using a truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) of a linearized model operator...
前一段时间,在项目中遇到一个问题,需要在同一个页面重复调用多个相同的UserControl控件,然后在父页面中控制这些重复生成的子控件。由于很多控件是动态生成,数量也是动态控... jv9 5 7869 日期与时间控件QDate, QTime, QDateTime 2019-02-11 19:27 − 继承于 QAbstractSpinBox 日期格式符: d 没有前导...