1. 打开Excel文件,点击菜单栏上的“开发工具”选项卡。如果您的菜单栏上没有该选项卡,需要先启用开发工具选项卡。 2. 在“开发工具”选项卡中,点击“插入”下方的“更多控件”按钮。 3. 在弹出的“控件”对话框中,选择“Microsoft date and time picker control”(Microsoft日期和时间选择控件)。 4. 点击“确...
On Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, the date picker is a drop-down control that displays a monthly calendar. To create the time picker on a device, the Windows CEDTS_TIMEFORMATstyle is used. The default format for this style is defined by the Windows CELOCALE_STIMEFORMATflag set. For mo...
网络日期挑选器控件 网络释义 1. 日期挑选器控件 日期挑选器控件(Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control)工具条控件(Microsoft Toolbar)图表控件(Microsoft Chart)格… www.360doc.com|基于6个网页
A date and time picker (DTP) control provides a simple and intuitive interface through which to exchange date and time information with a user.
Common Control Reference Common Dialog Boxes Reference Controls Reference Custom Draw Reference Date and Time Picker Controls Reference Date and Time Picker Controls Reference Date and Time Picker Controls Messages Date and Time Picker Controls Macros Date and Time Picker Controls Notifications Date and Ti...
工程->部件->控件->Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2.6 选中就有microsoft date and time picker control 控件了的 还有一种,直接在工具栏,右键,添加控件,->Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2.6 选中就有microsoft date and time picker control ...
On Windows Mobile-based Smartphones, the date picker is a control that enables the user to edit the date text. The Windows CE DTS_SHORTDATECENTURYFORMAT style is used to create the date picker.To create the time picker on a device, the Windows CE DTS_TIMEFORMAT style is used. The ...
在工具栏上右单击鼠标,选择附加控件,在弹出的窗口里找到microsoft date and time picker control,单击前的方框选定它,然后确定。如果你没有找到它,可以先去下载mscomct2.ocx,然后复制到windows\system32下并用regsvr32注册。
今天在一台虚拟机上面,打开一份Excel表格,无法显示里面的日期控件,检查了一下,发现是Excel里面没有注册Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0(SP6)控件。后来通过下载控件手动注册后解决问题。 做个记录,以免遗忘。 操作系统:Windows Server 2008 R2