self.is_rotate =Falseself.angle =Noneself.line_width =4self.gauss_sum_up =False@pyqtSlot(bool)defset_gauss_sum_up(self, b:bool): self.gauss_sum_up = b@pyqtSlot(int)defset_line_width(self, w): self.line_width = w@pyqtSlot(int)defset_gauss_size(self, s): self.gauss_size = ...
vMaH67aTpINx08/TfC2cSb C2fT/PFrZ7cG6XSDhDT1xPH1C5o6pos4m8/ZvRna7DcrR687mouaevuazW/q9Zr/PP3NU07pb/I2 9Xou4m3oX0+efif6a76m1tSPPJuHQ3+Nb/fnPPf/jmlzp899cez059iJ5r57/2KNf9cv/BDH6ump F+Vs7pWm0jv0553R+JVJOfeyKpoz0s0l6VRujc12Kr+z/tTNU0lHOpfrUa2azFNWjh3xVvMsZ5Jl 7uB1EPU...
根据 k - means 算法更新质心的规则 c_j_(t + 1) =(1 / |C_j_t|)×sum (i 属于 C_j_t) vi,可以得到 c_j_(t + 1) = V 的转置 ×chi_j_t。 通过测量相关寄存器,可以从状态 x_j_t 中采样,然后利用量子矩阵乘法 V 的转置来恢复近似的质心状态 c_j_(t + 1),同时可以得到质心范数的...
常用参数: -h 显示帮助 -n 仅显示script处理后的结果 -e 指定的脚本来处理输入的文本文件 -f 以指定的脚本文件来处理常用动作: a: 新增 sed -e ‘4 a newline’ c: 取代 sed -e ‘2,5c No 2-5 number’ d: 删除 sed -e ‘2,5d’ i: 插入 sed -ed ‘2i newline’ p: 打印 sed -n ‘...
The idea of probabilistic q-rung orthopair linguistic neutrosophic (P-QROLN) is one of the very few reliable tools in computational intelligence. This paper explores a significant breakthrough in nanotechnology, highlighting the introduction of nanoparti
foriinrange(size*size): x, y = random.randint(0, size-1), random.randint(0, size-1) if(x, y) == startor(x, y) == end: continue ifrandom.random() <0.2: maze[x, y] = -1 ifnp.sum(np.abs(maze)) == size*size -2: ...
A positive EB score reflects a tendency to make external attributions for negative events (self-serving bias). A PB score is calculated by dividing the number of personal attributions by the sum of both personal and situational attributions for negative events. A PB score greater than 0.5 ...
\sum_{s^{\prime}} P\left(s, a, s^{\prime}\right) V\left(s^{\prime}\right)表示机器人发生随机情况的期望 假设下面的概率与机器人在红色房间(去绿色房间)中可能经历的每个转弯有关。 将概率与每一个转弯联系起来时,本质上意味着机器人有80%的几率会选择向上转弯。如果把所有需要的值代入方程,得到...
unit) for i in range(1, self.max_x - 1): self.draw_box(i, 0, 'black') self.draw_box(self.max_x - 1, 0, 'yellow') self.t.shape('turtle') x_pos = self.s % self.max_x y_pos = self.max_y - 1 - int(self.s / self.max_x) self.move_player(x_pos, y_pos) ...
docker run \ -p 9374:9374 \ --privileged \ --env GOMAXPROCS=1 \ \ Metric NameTypeDescription smokeping_requests_totalCounterCounter of pings sent. smokeping_response_duration_secondsHistogramPing response duration. ...