最后,我们使用print()函数打印出formatted_num的值。 完整示例 下面是一个完整的示例,演示了如何将字符串转换为浮点数并保留2位小数。 defconvert_to_float_with_2_decimal_places(s):num=float(s)formatted_num="{:.2f}".format(num)returnformatted_num# 测试s="3.14159"result=convert_to_float_with_2_de...
下面是一个完整的示例,将字符串转换为两位小数数字: defconvert_to_two_decimal_places(num_str):num_float=float(num_str)formatted_num="{:.2f}".format(num_float)returnfloat(formatted_num)num_str="3.14159"result=convert_to_two_decimal_places(num_str)print(result)# 输出:3.14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
b: float = 255): self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b def __str__(self) -> str: return "A RGB color" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Color(r={self.r}, g={self.g}, b={self.b})">>> c = Color(r=123, g=32, b=255)# When no option...
Round to 2 decimal places using the round() function The round() function is Python’s built-in function for rounding float point numbers to the specified number of decimal places. You can specify the number of decimal places to round by providing a value in the second argument. The example...
Python String Formatting: Available Tools and Their Features You can take this quiz to test your understanding of the available tools for string formatting in Python, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. These tools include f-strings, the .format() method, and the modulo operator. ...
我们在设置商品价格的时候,希望保留两位小数,FloatField是浮点数无法精确小数点几位,DecimalField可以精确几位小数点 DecimalField models.py设置商品表模型的时候,可以把商品价格设置DecimalField max_digits=10 整数位的长度为10位 decimal_places=2 小数点后2位 ...
The .fromhex() method takes a string that represents a floating-point number as an argument and builds an actual float number from it.In both methods, the hexadecimal string has the following format:Python [sign] ["0x"] integer ["." fraction] ["p" exponent] ...
命令格式 string format_number(float|double|... 进度条 保留小数位:保留的小数位数,取值范围为1~4,仅在开启 是否需要小数点 配置项后显示。百分比条 参数 说明 渐变范围 百分比条的渐变类型,可选:全局渐变 或 局部渐变。开始颜色 百分比条起始位置的颜色。结束颜色 百分比条达到数据占比时... 进度条 ...
浮点型(float) 布尔型(bool) 复数性(complex) 字符型(string):表示数据组成是字符 列表(list):用来表示一组有序元素,后期数据可以修改 ['A','B','C'] 元组(tuple):用来表示一组有序元素,后期数据不可修改 ('A','B','C','1') 集合(set):一组数据无序不重复元素 set([1,2,3,4]) 字典(dictio...
To format decimal places, f-strings use a simple colon followed by a period and the number of desired decimal places. Let's see this with an example: # Controlling decimal places pi = 3.14159 price = 19.99999 percentage = 0.8525 print(f"Pi to 2 decimal places: {pi:.2f}") print(f"Pr...