sentence="Python is a high-level programming language."words=sentence.split()print(words)# Output: ['Python', 'is', 'a', 'high-level', 'programming', 'language.'] 1. 2. 3. 另外,我们还可以使用join()方法将列表中的元素连接成一个字符串。示例代码如下: words=['Python','is','awesome'...
'__str__', '__getattribute__', '__lt__', '__le__', '__eq__', '__ne__', '__gt__', '__ge__', '__iter__', '__mod__', '__rmod__', '__len__', '__getitem__', '__add__', '__mul__', '__rmul__', '__contains__', 'encode', 'replace', 'split...
'Locust supports running load tests distributed over multiple machines.'.count('o') # 4 1. 2.2.9 首字母大写 "split the argument into words using split".capitalize() # 'Split the argument into words using split' 1. 2.3 格式化 两种方式,一种是使用%,另外一种是使用format函数。 2.3.1 %格式...
Additionally, you can use the built-in str() function to create new strings from other existing objects.In the following sections, you’ll learn about the multiple ways to create strings in Python and when to use each of them.Standard String Literals...
However, when a string contains words, numbers, or special characters (a substring) that are also enclosed in quotation marks, you should use a different style. For example, if a substring uses double quotation marks, enclose the entire string in single quotation marks, as shown here:Python ...
# Python program to find uncommon words from two string,# Getting strings as input from the userstr1=input('Enter first string : ')str2=input('Enter second string : ')# finding uncommon wordsstr1List=str1.split()str2List=str2.split()uncommonWords=''forwordsinstr1List:ifwordsnotinstr2...
搜索指定字符串,没有返回-1:str.find('t')python字符串查找指定多个子字符串的所有位置:a = "dhvka,feovj.dlfida?dfka.dlviaj,dlvjaoid,vjaoj?"b = [i for i, j in enumerate(a) if j in [',', '.', '?']]print(b)[5, 11, 18, 23, 30, 39, 45]...
all_words = nltk.FreqDist(w.lower() for w in movie_reviews.words())word_features = list(all_words)[:2000]def document_features(document):document_words = set(document)features = {}for word in word_features:features['contains({})'.format(word)] = (word in document_words)return features...
数值类型和扁平不可变类型str和bytes都是可哈希的。如果容器类型是不可变的,并且所有包含的对象也是可哈希的,则它们是可哈希的。frozenset始终是可哈希的,因为它包含的每个元素必须根据定义是可哈希的。仅当元组的所有项都是可哈希的时,元组才是可哈希的。参见元组tt、tl和tf: ...
Return a copy of the string with all the cased characters [4] converted to uppercase. Note that str. upper 0. isupper O might be False if s contains uncased characters or if the Unicode category of the resulting character(s) is not "Lu" (Letter, uppercase), but e.g. ...