1.连接 Python 调试器失败 Socket closed。 2.module 'Queue' has no attribute 'Queue' self._cmd_queue = defaultdict(_queue.Queue) # Key is thread id or '*', value is Queue AttributeError: module 'Queue' has no attribute 'Queue' 原因:目录下带有Queue目录或则文件,与系统模块冲突了。 解决方...
importsocket# 创建 socket 对象s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)# 进行连接等操作# 判断 socket 是否已经关闭is_closed=s._closedifis_closed:print("Socket 已关闭")else:print("Socket 未关闭") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 在socket对象中,有一...
在Python中,我们可以通过getsockopt函数来获取socket的状态。其中,SOL_SOCKET表示获取socket级别的选项,SO_ERROR表示获取socket错误状态。如果SO_ERROR的返回值为0,则表示socket未关闭;否则表示socket已关闭。 importsocketdefis_socket_closed(sock):try:sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_ERROR)returnFalseexcept...
def is_connected(sock): """判断socket是否连接""" if isinstance(sock, socket.socket): return not sock._closed raise TypeError(f"sock非socket对象") def set_keepalive(sock, after_idle_sec=1, interval_sec=3, max_fails=5): """在打开的套接字上设置TCP Keep Alive。""" SEND_BUF_SIZE =...
but in "ws.recv()", there is an error: raise WebSocketConnectionClosedException("socket is already closed.") and the jupyter notebook cmd shows: [I18:04:05.904NotebookApp] Kernel started: 275c3afd-cc10-4a69-8597-9f0d7f3e3a91, name: env37 ...
3 what is the correct way to close a socket in python 2.6? 2 Shutting down sockets properly 10 Linux: socket close() vs shutdown() 0 Check if a socket is closed after sock.shutdown(SHUT_WR)? 2 How to properly close socket in both client and server (python) 5 Socket.Disconnect...
sock.close()print('Connection from %s:%s closed'% addr) s=socket.socket() s.bind(('',9999))#绑定地址和端口s.listen(5)print('serve is waiting connect...')whileTrue: sock,addr=s.accept()#创建新线程来处理每个客户端连接#target=tcplink代表新线程要运行哪个函数#args=(sock,addr)...
sock.send(('Loop_Msg: %s!'% data.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8'))#第五步:关闭套接字sock.close()print('Connection from %s:%s closed.'%addr)if__name__=="__main__":#第一步:创建一个基于IPv4和TCP协议的Socket#套接字绑定的IP(为本机ip)与端口s =socket.socket(socket.AF...
After that the server is unresponsive and the listening socket is closed. In that case we need to restart the service. To me it looks like this happens when ov.getresult() is called and the remote host is disconnected. When I just wrap this function in a try\except block the listening...
Connection closed by foreign host.[hoxily@hoxily-laptop python3.4]$ hoxily ---rw- 6 左边是修改后的文件,右边是你发到codepad上的文件。有差异的行以紫色显示;添加的行以深蓝色显示;缺少的行以青色显示;紫色行中不同的部分以血红色标出;多行相同时被折叠了,以+号显示。 hoxily ---rw- 6 呃!截图...