使用socketserver import socketserver import json,os class MyTCPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def put(self,*args): '''接收客户端文件''' cmd_dic = args[0] filename = cmd_dic["filename"] filesize = cmd_dic["size"] if os.path.isfile(filename): f = open(filename + ".ne...
0 from ftplib import FTP import time try: ftp = FTP('kcm.amazon-digital-ftp.com') # removed "sftp://" from url. except IOError, e: time.sleep(120) ftp = FTP('kcm.amazon-digital-ftp.com') This returns "socket.error: [Errno 10060]" I'm running this script from ...
python sftp 设置超时时间 python socket ftp 一、要求: 开发一个支持多用户在线的FTP程序 1、用户md5加密认证; 2、允许同时多用户登录(socketserver); 3、执行命令: 客户端;ipconfig; 服务端:subprocess; 4、上传下载文件: 显示进度条; 断点续传; 二、程序目录结构: 三、程序运行顺序解构 如图,服务端和客户端...
2.解析 关键字try 以及except是 使用Python 解释器主动抛出异常的关键, Python解释器从上向下执行 当...
server=''# Connect with the connect() and login() methodsftp = FTP() ftp.connect(server,21) ftp.login(‘user’, ‘password’)# Connect in the instance to FTPftp_client = FTP(server,'user','password') FTP()类以远程服务器、ftp用户的用户名和密码作为参数。
paramiko模块连sftp下载文件时socket丢包? begin 100916 发布于 2016-07-27 python_3.4.2_amd64_windows 使用paramiko模块连接sftp服务器(windows),密码登录,下载文件时,总是在下载到3072KB左右卡住。经过跟踪,发现其以每个数据包32KB的格式下载文件,总是在第98个包左右开始连续丢包,少则一两个,多则几百个,然后...
if isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout): print('TIME OUT') 在这里我们请求了http://httpbin.org/get这个测试链接,设置了超时时间是 0.1 秒,然后捕获了 URLError 这个异常,然后判断异常原因是 socket.timeout 类型,意思就是超时异常,就得出它确实是因为超时而报错,打印输出了 TIME OUT。
door_open_time_counter=0whileTrue:ifdoor_swiping_event.is_set():print("\033[32;1mdoor opening...\033[0m") door_open_time_counter+=1else:print("\033[31;1mdoor closed..., swipe to open.\033[0m") door_open_time_counter= 0#清空计时器door_swiping_event.wait()ifdoor_open_time_...
open_sftp() except socket.error, paramiko.SSHException: connected = False ssh_session.close() _smgr_log.log(_smgr_log.DEBUG, ("Connection to %s failed, Retry: %s" % (ip, retries))) retries = retries + 1 continue Example #15Source File: handler.py From webssh with MIT License 6 ...
If a TCP connection is established, and neither side is reading or writing the socket (i.e. both sides are doing nothing), then you can disconnect the network cable from the computer for any length of time, and then re-connect, and the TCP connection is not affected. A TCP connection...