pre-commit install 现在,钩子函数(hook)将在每次提交时运行。Black工具的钩子函数不仅会检查格式,还会相应地为文件添加格式。 每次添加新的钩子函数时,建议一开始在所有文件中手动运行pre-commit,因为它只能作用于上次提交之后更改过的文件。 pre-commit run --all-files 就这样,对自动化工具的自动化完成了。
每次添加新的钩子函数时,建议一开始在所有文件中手动运行pre-commit,因为它只能作用于上次提交之后更改过的文件。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 pre-commit run--all-files 就这样,对自动化工具的自动化完成了。 2 总结 有很多工具可以帮助你专注于重要的事情。此处只介绍了其中的...
二、install pre-commit 进入虚拟环境,安装pre-commit pre-commit install 安装结果如下: 查看安装的pre-commit cd .git/hooks ls -l 安装成功! 三、运行所配置的文件规则 pre-commit run --all-files 运行结果如图所示。
On Unix, Linux, BSD, macOS, and Cygwin: ./configure make make test sudo make install This will install Python aspython3. You can pass many options to the configure script; run./configure --helpto find out more. On macOS case-insensitive file systems and on Cygwin, the executable is cal...
.pre-commit-config.yaml Pre-commit (#157) Dec 11, 2021 .readthedocs.yaml Update pyRiemann from Python 3.8 - 3.10 to 3.9 - 3.11 (#310) Jun 27, 2024 LICENSE update release and year Apr 11, 2024 run pre-commit on all files ...
git commit -m "Configure LFS for large files" git push 解决2:从版本控制中移除大文件:如果这些大文件不需要纳入版本控制,可以从 Git 历史中移除它们。 第一步:添加.gitignore文件忽略这个文件 echo "" >> .gitignore git commit -am "Ignore" ...
decompiling these. Among those that successfully decompile, we can then make sure the resulting programs are syntactically correct by running the Python interpreter for that bytecode version. Finally, in cases where the program has a test for itself, we can run the check on the decompiled code....
Always use relative paths in all pre- and post-build scripts because the build container in which Oryx runs is different from the runtime container in which the app runs. Never rely on the exact placement of your app project folder within the container (for example, that it's placed under...
Always use relative paths in all pre- and post-build scripts because the build container in which Oryx runs is different from the runtime container in which the app runs. Never rely on the exact placement of your app project folder within the container (for example, that it's placed under...