Note thatno-commit-to-branchis configured by default toalways_run. As a result, it will ignore any setting offiles,exclude,typesorexclude_types. Setalways_run: falseto allow this hook to be skipped according to these file filters. Caveat: In this configuration, empty commits (git commit -...
run: | set -eo pipefail if [[ "${{github.event_name}}" != "pull_request" ]]; then if [[ "${{github.event_name}}" != "pull_request" ]]; then ./scripts/ exit 0 fi @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ jobs: cat<<EOF CHANGED FILES: $FILES EOF if [[ "${FILES}" =~ (...
Runpre-commit installto install pre-commit into your git hooks. pre-commit will now run on every commit. Every time you clone a project using pre-commit runningpre-commit installshould always be the first thing you do. If you want to manually run all pre-commit hooks on a repository, ru...
Ignore this requirement for specific builtin types with--ignore=type1,type2,…. Forbiddictkeyword syntax with--no-allow-dict-kwargs. check-case-conflict Check for files with names that would conflict on a case-insensitive filesystem like MacOS HFS+ or Windows FAT. ...
installed properly, you can run pre-commit locally, before committing new code into Git. It also runs remotely on GitHub when a pull request has been proposed. pre-commit is set up to remotely run on all existing libraries. It will automatically run remotely on a new library thanks to ...
4. Run Execute this command to run pre-commit on all files in the repository (not only changed files): pre-commit run -a Or, using Docker (available tags): [!TIP] This command uses your user id and group id for the docker container to use to access the local files. If the files...
run_GoFormat() { gf=`gofmt -l -w .;` if test -z "$gf" then return fi echo "$gf" ga=`git add \*\.go; ` echo "$ga" } run_GoFormat 注意 (1)格式化后要新增一次add,为最终提交准备暂存的内容。 1)提交前端代码市格式化
run_GoFormat() { gf=`gofmt -l -w .;` if test -z "$gf" then return fi echo "$gf" ga=`git add \*\.go; ` echo "$ga" } run_GoFormat 注意 (1)格式化后要新增一次add,为最终提交准备暂存的内容。 1)提交前端代码市格式化
Ignore this requirement for specific builtin types with--ignore=type1,type2,…. Forbiddictkeyword syntax with--no-allow-dict-kwargs. check-case-conflict Check for files with names that would conflict on a case-insensitive filesystem like MacOS HFS+ or Windows FAT. ...
Note thatno-commit-to-branchis configured by default toalways_run. As a result, it will ignore any setting offiles,exclude,typesorexclude_types. Setalways_run: falseto allow this hook to be skipped according to these file filters. Caveat: In this configuration, empty commits (git commit -...