import numpy as np def round_to_nearest_5(x): return 5 * np.round(x/5) 在上述代码中,我们首先导入了 Python 的 numpy 库,并给其指定了别名 np。然后,我们定义了一个名为 round_to_nearest_5() 的函数,该函数可以将一个数字舍入到最接近的 5 的倍数。 接下来,我们使用 numpy 库中的 round(...
importmathdefround_to_nearest_five(n):returnround(n/5)*5deffloor_to_nearest_five(n):returnmath.floor(n/5)*5defceil_to_nearest_five(n):returnmath.ceil(n/5)*5# 测试数值test_values=[12,13,22]print("Number\tRounded\tFloored\tCeiled")print("---")forvalueintest_values:print(f"{valu...
方法一:使用数学模块math中的ceil和floor函数 Python的math模块中提供了ceil和floor函数,分别用于向上取整和向下取整。我们可以利用这两个函数来实现对一个数按照5的倍数取整的操作。 importmathdefround_to_nearest_multiple_of_5(number):return5*round(number/5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 方法二:使用整除运算符// 另一...
If ndigits is omitted, the function returns the nearest integer. my_num = 3.456 result_1 = round(my_num) print(result_1) # 👉️ 3 result_2 = round(my_num, 1) print(result_2) # 👉️ 3.5 If you need to print a floating-point number rounded to the nearest 10th...
ACTUAL_SIZE = TARGET_SIZE.roundToNearest(an_fs._resize.unit, rounding=ROUND_DOWN) self.assertEqual(an_fs._size, ACTUAL_SIZE) self._test_sizes(an_fs) 开发者ID:cgwalters,项目名称:blivet,代码行数:33,代码来源 testResize(self):an_fs = self._fs_class()ifnotan_fs.formattable...
由于python3包括python2.7以后的round策略使用的是decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN 即Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer. 也就是只有在整数部分是奇数的时候, 小数部分才逢5进1; 偶数时逢5舍去。 这有利于更好地保证数据的精确性, 并在实验数据处理中广为使用。
Round to nearest Fields: AwayFromZero ToEven A round-to-nearest operation takes an original number with an implicit or specified precision; examines the next digit, which is at that precision plus one; and returns the nearest number with the same precision as the original number. For positive nu...
I would not suggest using the round() method to get the nearest integer, it is because the round() method uses banker's rounds, which can give an expected (for normal use) result. For example: round(2.5) # 2 round(2.5, 0) # 2.0 This post has info about that issue. To get the...
round(1.335) #并不是精确四舍五入。
Forvaluesexactly halfwaybetweenroundeddecimalvalues,NumPy roundstothe nearest even value.Thus 1.5and2.5 roundto2.0, -0.5and0.5 roundto0.0, etc.# np.around使用快速但有时不精确的算法来舍入浮点数据类型。# 对于正小数,它等效于np.true_divide(np.rint(a * 10 **小数),10 **小数),# 由于IEEE浮点...