# 需要导入模块: from blivet.size import Size [as 别名]# 或者: from blivet.size.Size importroundToNearest[as 别名]deftestRoundToNearest(self):self.assertEqual(size.ROUND_DEFAULT, size.ROUND_HALF_UP) s = Size("10.3 GiB") self.assertEqual(s.roundToNearest(GiB), Size("10 GiB")) self.a...
ROUND_HALF_EVEN (to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer), ROUND_HALF_UP (to nearest with ties going awayfromzero),orROUND_UP (awayfromzero). ROUND_05UP (awayfromzeroiflast digit after rounding towards zero would have been 0or5; otherwise towards zero) 直接阅读上面的解释十分抽象,...
ROUND_HALF_EVEN (to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer), ROUND_HALF_UP (to nearest with ties going awayfromzero),orROUND_UP (awayfromzero). ROUND_05UP (awayfromzeroiflast digit after rounding towards zero would have been 0or5; otherwise towards zero) 直接阅读上面的解释十分抽象,...
round(1.335) #并不是精确四舍五入。
I would not suggest using the round() method to get the nearest integer, it is because the round() method uses banker's rounds, which can give an expected (for normal use) result. For example: round(2.5) # 2 round(2.5, 0) # 2.0 This post has info about that issue. To get the...
Round to nearest, ties to even – rounds to the nearest value; if the number falls midway it ...
use round() 11th Jan 2021, 2:39 PM Steven Wen + 8 keorapetse Moagi , it depends what exactly is mentioned in the task description. When it says: <... rounded up to the nearest whole number>, you should use math.ceil(). this is working like this: from math import ceil a = ...
import math # ✅ Round number to nearest 0.5 def round_to_nearest_half_int(num): return round(num * 2) / 2 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.0 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 3.5 # --- # ✅ Round number UP to nearest 0.5 def round_up_...
ROUND_HALF_EVEN, RM.RM_NearestTiesAwayFromZero: decimal.ROUND_UP, }[self] Example #9Source File: encoder.py From mapbox-vector-tile with MIT License 5 votes def _round_quantize(self, val): # round() has different behavior in python 2/3 # For consistency between 2 and 3 we use ...
Rounding datetime column to nearest quarter hourIf we use pd.Timestamp() method and pass a string inside it, it will convert this string into time format. We will use df.round() method and pass the amount of time as a string up to which we need to round up the time value....