下面是一个自定义函数的示例: defround_float(number,decimal_places=6):returnround(number,decimal_places)num=3.141592653rounded_num=round_float(num,6)print(rounded_num) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在上面的示例中,我们定义了一个名为round_float()的自定义函数,通过传入参数decimal_places来控制保留的小数位...
num=Decimal('3.14159')rounded_num=num.quantize(Decimal('0.01'),rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)print(rounded_num) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在这个示例中,rounded_num的值为3.14,表示对num进行了两位小数点的精确控制。 类图 下面是一个简单的类图,表示了一个名为FloatConverter的类,其中包含一个convert_float()方法用...
# It converts the float 10.245 to a Decimal object. decimal_ = Decimal.from_float(10.245) print('浮点数转为Decimal后:{0}'.format(decimal_)) # 浮点数转为Decimal后:10.2449999999999992184029906638897955417633056640625 从结果来看,float浮点数转换完成以后精度位数就变得很长不是原先的三位小数了,这是因为fl...
圆形的工作原理如下:round(float_num, num_of_decimals) 所以在你的情况下你会这样做amount_per_day = round(amount_per_day, 2) 我还建议您将 print 语句中添加的所有令人讨厌的字符串替换为 f 字符串,如下所示: print(f"If you are going to spend {str(amount_of_money)} {str(destination_currency...
rounded_number = round(number, decimal_places) number是要四舍五入的浮点数,decimal_places是要保留的小数位数,默认值为0。 下面是一些使用round()函数的例子: 1、对浮点数进行四舍五入到整数位: num = 3.14159 rounded_num = round(num) print(rounded_num) # 输出:3 ...
1. 浮点数转Decimal 使用Decimal.from_float函数将随便一个float类型的小数转换成Decimal的数据类型,结果float类型数据就显出原形了。 # It imports the Decimal class from the decimal module. import decimal from decimal import Decimal # It converts the float 10.245 to a Decimal object. ...
1.浮点数转Decimal 使用Decimal.from_float函数将随便一个float类型的小数转换成Decimal的数据类型,结果float类型数据就显出原形了。 # It imports the Decimal class from the decimal module. importdecimal fromdecimalimportDecimal # It converts the float 10.245 to a Decimal object. ...
rooting Decimal gives the Decimal data type which is much better than Float sys is needed to ...
💡 Solution 1: Using a round() 💡 Solution 2: Using String formatting ❖ Conclusion ❖ Problem Formulation In this article, you will learn how to format a floating-point value and generate a float number with two decimal places. Example: In the following code, we are calculating the...
Now, let’s round this value to two decimal places. We use the round() method. The round() method. lets you round a value to the nearest integer or the nearest decimal place. We also print the amount each friend has to contribute toward dinner to the console: rounded_value = round(...