7. TypeError: func() got multiple values for argument 'a1' 8. TypeError: Object of type set is not JSON serializable 9. TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple 10. TypeError: strptime() argument 1 must be str, not datetime.datetime 11. RecursionError: maximum recurs...
# 1. 字符串创建的多种方式str1='Hello'# 单引号str2="World"# 双引号str3='''这是 多行字符串'''# 三引号支持多行文本,保留格式str4="""Python 编程指南"""# 三双引号,同样支持多行# 2. 字符串拼接的多种方式# 2.1 使用+号拼接(不推荐用于大量字符串)result1=str1+' '+str2print(result1)...
# 1.字符串的替换 replace()s = 'hello,Python'print(s.replace('Python', 'java'))s1 = 'hello,python,python,python'print(s1.replace('python', 'java', 2)) # 通过第三个参数指定最大替换次数# 2.字符串合并 join() 将列表或元组中字符串合并成一个字符串lst = ['hello', 'java', 'python...
33. TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices 列表的下标必须是整数或者是切片。 >>> a = ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"] >>> a['1'] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str 上面的错误...
sv_column=self.svColumnName, gender_column=self.genderColumnName, File "C:\Users\DE110117.spyder-py3\temp.py", line 467, in sv_nr_plausibility if int(sNummer) >= 0 and int(sNummer) <= 49: TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object...
write() argument must be str, not bytes error: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' error: string argument without an encoding error: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object 等等。。。一个头两个大。比如,我要把半角逗号替换成全角逗号,这个最简单不过的功能,就试了半天: ...
<int> = <str>.find() # Returns start index of the first match or -1. <int> = <str>.index() # Same, but raises ValueError if there's no match. <str> = <str>.lower() # Changes the case. Also upper/capitalize/title(). <str> = <str>.replace(old, new [, count]) # Rep...
Return a translation table usable for str.translate(). If there is only one argument, it must be a dictionary mapping Unicode ordinals (integers) or characters to Unicode ordinals, strings or None. Character keys will be then converted to ordinals. ...
parser.add_argument("EML_FILE",help="Path to EML File",type=FileType('r')) args = parser.parse_args() main(args.EML_FILE) 在main()函数中,我们使用message_from_file()函数将类似文件的对象读入email库。现在我们可以使用结果变量emlfile来访问头部、正文内容、附件和其他有效载荷信息。读取电子邮件头...
DataFrame.replace(to_replace = None,#要被替换的值 value = None, inplace = False, limit = None, regex = False, method =‘pad’ ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to_replace:str,regex,list,dict,Series,int,float或None。regex=True则to_replace里的所有字符串都将被解释为正则表达 ...