在Python中读取包含多个工作表(sheets)的Excel文件,可以使用pandas库。以下是一个详细的步骤指南,包括代码示例: 1. 导入必要的Python库 首先,确保你已经安装了pandas库。如果没有安装,可以使用pip进行安装: bash pip install pandas 然后,在Python脚本中导入pandas库: python import pandas as pd 2. 使用库函数读...
2. 读取Excel文件 我们可以使用pandas的read_excel方法来读取Excel文件。下面是一个示例代码,用于读取一个Excel文件中的所有sheet。 importpandasaspd file_path='example.xlsx'xls=pd.ExcelFile(file_path)sheets=xls.sheet_namesforsheet_nameinsheets:df=pd.read_excel(file_path,sheet_name=sheet_name)# 对数据...
The Excel file has 3 sheet(s). 1. 序列图 下面是一个简单的序列图,描述了获取Excel文件中sheet页数量的过程: ExcelFilepandasPythonExcelFilepandasPythonimport pandas as pdxls = pd.ExcelFile(file_path)Read Excel fileSheet namesReturn number of sheetsPrint number of sheets 结论 通过上述步骤和示例代码...
sheets[0] data = sheet.range('A1').expand().value for r in data: print(r) t2 = time.time() print("读取 耗时%.2f秒"%(t2-t1)) 4、xlrd—耗时47秒+输出 测试代码 import xlrd def get_excel(): with xlrd.open_workbook("JALA账单/清远-配送-6月.xlsx") as workbook: name_sheets =...
Python操作Excel分为两个主要形式,读写和交互式操作,可以用不同的第三方工具。 首先对于单纯地读写Excel,这种场景使用Pandas就足够了。 使用Pandas中的read_excel、to_excel函数,在Excel和DataFrame格式间进行转换。 import pandas as pd # 读取excel文件,Excel->DataFrame ...
1、打开excel文件,获取文件内容 excel = /Users/usr/Downloads/TEMP/DVT.xlsx data = xlrd.open_workbook(excel)data.nsheets # 获取该excel文件中包含的sheet的数量 data.sheets() # 返回该excel文件中所有sheet对象组成的列表 data.sheet_names() # 返回该excel文件中所有sheet名称组成的列表 data....
* None: All sheets. (None代表所有数字) 示例代码如下(此excel中有三张表,顺序分别是’Sheet1’,‘Sheet2’,‘Sheet3’): import pandas as pd# 按照表名读取>>> df = pd.read_excel(r'D:\myExcel/1.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet2') >>> df ...
Now that we know how to access and read data from Excel files, let’s learn how to write to them using Openpyxl. Writing to a Cell There are two ways you can write to a file with Openpyxl. First, you can access the cell directly using its key: ws['K1'] = 'Sum of Sales' Power...
Python in Excel doesn't work with such kind of indirect references, i.e. a="Sheet2!A1:A2"xl(a) returns the same error. xl() accepts direct names of the Excel objects. peiyezhu Thank you for a response. I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that it works after anot...
Unlike CSVs, Excel books can have multiple tabs or sheets. To get at our data, we are going to pull out only the sheet with the data we want. If you have a couple of sheets, you could just guess at the index, but that wonât work if you have lots of sheets. So, you...