二、异常报错Raise使用 使用raise抛出异常 当程序出现错误,python会自动引发异常,也可以通过raise显示地引发异常。一旦执行了raise语句,raise后面的语句将不能执行。 演示raise用法 try: s = None if s is None: print "s 是空对象" raise NameError #如果引发NameError异常,后面的代码将不能执行 print len(s) ...
python自定义异常,使用raise引发异常 1.自定义异常类,自定义的异常类必须是Exception或者Error的子类! 1#!/usr/bin/env python2#encoding: utf-834classIllegalException(Exception):5'''6Custom exception types7'''8def__init__(self, parameter, para_value):9err ='The parameter "{0}" is not legal:{...
Cloud Studio代码运行 classInvalidParameterError(Exception):passdefdivide(a,b):ifnotisinstance(a,int)ornotisinstance(b,int):raiseInvalidParameterError("参数必须为整数")ifb==0:raiseInvalidParameterError("除数不能为零")returna/b 在上述代码中,我们定义了一个自定义的异常类InvalidParameterError。在divide...
# 需要导入模块: from nuitka import SyntaxErrors [as 别名]# 或者: from nuitka.SyntaxErrors importraiseSyntaxError[as 别名]defbuildParameterSpec( name, node, source_ref ):kind = getKind( node )assertkindin("FunctionDef","Lambda"),"unsupported for kind "+ kinddefextractArg( arg ):ifgetKind(...
10.ModuleNotFoundError:模块未找到错误,当尝试导入一个不存在的模块时发生。 # 尝试导入一个不存在的模块 import nonexistentmodule 11.NotImplementedError:未实现错误,当试图使用未实现的方法或功能时发生。 class MyClass: def do_something(self): raise NotImplementedError("这个方法还没有实现") my_obj = My...
fields=/huawei-patch:patch({filtering_str})') req_data = None ret, _, rsp_data = ops_conn.get(uri, req_data) if ret == http.client.NOT_FOUND: return None, None if ops_return_result(ret) or rsp_data == '': raise OPIExecError('Failed to get the patch file information') root...
raise ValueError( ValueError: Expected parameter loc (Parameter of shape (1satisfy the constraint Real(), but found invalid values1308802,)) of distribution Normal(loc: torch.Size([11308802]), scale: torch.Size([11308802])) to : Parameter containing: ...
Raise exceptions as soon as possible: You should check error conditions and exceptional situations early in your code. This practice will make your code more efficient by avoiding unnecessary processing that a delayed error check could throw away. This practice fits the fail-fast design. Explain th...
Printer.raise_error(error_message) (fetcher, parent, count) = fetcher.count(filter=args.filter)ifnotargs.json: Printer.success('%s %s have been retrieved'% (count, instance.rest_resource_name)) Printer.output({instance.rest_resource_name: count}, fields=[instance.rest_resource_name], json=...
message try: num = 5 if num in nums: print(num) else: myerror = myError("数字不在列表内") # 创建一个自定义异常类型的变量 raise myerror # 手动抛出异常 except Exception as err: print(err) 常见异常 BaseException 所有异常的基类 Exception 常见错误的基类 ArithmeticError 所有数值计算错误的...