5.Game over #游戏结束 #检测 dead=False #1.撞墙 if head.col<0 or head.row<0 or head.col>=COL or head.row>=ROW: dead=True #2.撞自己 for snake in snakes: if head.col==snake.col and head.row==snake.row: dead=True break if dead: print('死了') quit=False #画背景 pygame.draw...
foodx = round(random.randrange(0, screen_width - snake_block) / 10.0) * 10.0 foody = round(random.randrange(0, screen_height - snake_block) / 10.0) * 10.0 while not game_over: while game_close == True: game_window.fill(blue) message("You Lost! Press C-Play Again or Q-Quit", ...
_game() self.consume_food() self.snake_movement() self.after(speed, self.perform_actions) def set_new_food_pos(self): while True: x_position = randint(1, 29) * movement y_position = randint(3, 30) * movement food_pos = (x_position, y_position) if food_pos not in self.snake_...
Make Games with Python and Pygame Conclusion: You learned how to create the game snake in Python along with concepts such as collision detection, image loading and event handling. Many things could be added to this little toy game but this serves as a very simple example. :-) Next tutorial...
pygame.display.update()# 定义一个函数来检查游戏是否结束defcheck_game_over():globalsnake_x, snake_y, snake_direction, snake_bodyif(snake_x <0orsnake_x > screen_width - snake_sizeorsnake_y <0orsnake_y > screen_height - snake_sizeor[snake_x, snake_y]insnake_body[1:]):returnTrueretu...
2.Try reducing the screen refresh interval to make the snake move faster and increase the difficulty. Give it a try! 3.Think about whether we can set levels or stages for different difficulty levels in the game. Modify the program yourself and practice!
Python Snake Game Let's make a Snake game in Python(in less than 100 lines code)! For those who don't know, the white thing is the snake. It can be controlled by the player to go up, down, left and right. Every time the snake eats one of those blue things(let's call it ...
(): global screen, screen_size global snake_pos, food_pos, snake_speed # 主循环 while True: # 处理游戏事件 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_UP: snake_speed = [0, -20] ...
One can make customizations and can send this information to the user through a message 6. Python Number Guessing Project Project Idea: This is one of the exciting Python projects which aims at developing a mini game. In this program, the computer randomly chooses a number and then the users...