对Image对象的crop()方法接受一个框元组,并返回一个表示裁剪图像的Image对象。裁剪不会原地发生——也就是说,原始的Image对象保持不变,而crop()方法返回一个新的Image对象。请记住,装箱的元组(在这种情况下,裁剪部分)包括左列和顶行像素,但仅向上和不包括右列和底行像素。 在交互式 Shell 中输入以下内容: >>>...
scikit-image - A Python library for (scientific) image processing. thumbor - A smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, re-sizing and flipping of images. wand - Python bindings for MagickWand, C API for ImageMagick. Implementations Implementations of Python. cpython - Default, most ...
result = os.path.join(output_dir,'{}.{}'.format(uuid.uuid1().hex, ext)) ff = FFmpeg(inputs={image_path:None}, outputs={result:'-vf crop={}:{}:{}:{} -y'.format(size[0], size[1], start_pix[0], start_pix[1])}) print(ff.cmd) ff.run()returnresultif__name__ =='_...
对Image对象的crop()方法接受一个框元组,并返回一个表示裁剪图像的Image对象。裁剪不会原地发生——也就是说,原始的Image对象保持不变,而crop()方法返回一个新的Image对象。请记住,装箱的元组(在这种情况下,裁剪部分)包括左列和顶行像素,但仅向上和不包括右列和底行像素。 在交互式 Shell 中输入以下内容: 代码...
Crop Images Crop Images A Python script to crop a given image. CSV to Excel CSV to Excel A Python script to convert a CSV to an Excel file. Currency Script Currency Script A Python script to convert the currency of one country to that of another. Digital Clock Digital Clock A Python sc...
# Defining Class and constructor of the Program class Draw(): def __init__(self, root): # Defining title and Size of the Tkinter Window GUI self.root = root self.root.title("画图工具Python") self.root.geometry("1000x1000") self.root.configure(background="white") ...
# Python program to extract rectangular# Shape using OpenCV in Python3importcv2importnumpyasnp drawing=False# true if mouse is pressedmode=True# if True, draw rectangle.ix,iy=-1,-1# mouse callback functiondefdraw_circle(event,x,y,flags,param):globalix,iy,drawing,modeifevent==cv2.EVENT_L...
在moviepy中,所有剪辑的基类是Clip,常用的剪辑类包括:VideoClip、AudioClip、VideoFileClip、AudioFileClip、ImageSequenceClip、ImageClip、CompositeVideoClip、CompositeAudioClip、TextClip、ColorClip,它们之间的继承关系如下: 这些剪辑类除了基类Clip,都已经在模块 moviepy.editor中导入,因此使用这些剪辑类时,无需将各个...
Python Pillow allows you to manipulate images and perform basic image processing tasks. As a fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), Pillow supports image formats like JPEG, PNG, and more, enabling you to read, edit, and save images. With Python Pillow, you can crop, resize, rotate, ...
一个Image对象有几个有用的属性,给你关于它被加载的图像文件的基本信息:它的宽度和高度、文件名和图形格式(比如 JPEG、GIF 或 PNG)。 例如,在交互式 Shell 中输入以下内容: >>> from PIL import Image >>> catIm = Image.open('zophie.png')